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Campaign against pollution causing vehicles in Chandigarh
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jan 18, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 19, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
The State Transport Authority (STA), U.T., Chandigarh has initiated a citywide enforcement campaign against the illegal and pollution causing vehicles, especially diesel ...
Yes, Biodieselcan an option
Plz use cng or biodiesel vehicles
Dear Mr. Modi,
Am attaching a proposal of mine on 'Creating a Business Model for reducing the REAL Carbon Footprint of Electric Vehicles'. This proposal was recognised as the top seven in the world in the 'Innovative Idea Category' at the Smart City Expo World Congress held at Barcelona n November, 2015. This model can be replicated for any other Electric Appliance. Do have a look.
Biodiesel can be tried to reduce pollution.
First of all people should understand how important the safe environment is. Even the whole world is worried about the pollution if this continues then their will be no place for future generation. I think government should come up with public transportation plans. Even if govt come up with this transportation plans people should not hesitate to use public transport. If govt does anything good the people should also collaborate with govt.
The country is developed when people use public transp
Promote CNG vehicles
Strict emission control
All heavy vehicles silencers are keep like a chimney/so smoke will go to sky.
Pl write-off more than 15 years age vehicles as scrap.
Many government vehicles are more than 15 years age.so remove all vehicles if more than 15years age.
Focussing on pollution check-up.
We need more electric vehicles on the streets. Techonolgy is ready in other countries, if want to create our own, we should ask engg colleges like IIT to start research before it is too late
#cpcc ...more focusing on public transportation.use CNG busses increasing number of on route.and other way peoples awareness is ipm.use public transport.also hike parking rate.for that reduces traffic and also pollutant.police take action on illegal autorikshasold vehicle.last time honorable SC bans out dated vehicles.people respect the local admin's rules and follow it.ultimate reduces pollution. citizens can enjoy with clean air& environment.