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  Lucknow and Aligarh: Two families, different experiences fighting Coronavirus
Posted on : 24 Jul 2020

Meet Kapil and family- One in Lucknow and the other in Aligarh; both families who fought more than a Virus. Kapil, a data scientist from Lucknow, was travelling back to attend the funeral of his grandma on 3rd May. Unexpectedly, Kapil’s uncle and dad got a fever. Everyone in the house started showing specific symptoms and health instability. To their dismay, Kapil’s uncle was admitted to the ICU while his dad got a high fever. The next day, Kapil’s family got a call about his uncle’s demise!

Meet Dr. Parul, the Indian Doctor in London who fought a virus bigger than Covid-19
Posted on : 24 Jul 2020

Dr Parul, a physician working in London came back to India in the second week of March, along with her mother. She landed in Delhi to reach Chandigarh. Meanwhile, I developed a fever on the way. Since being herself a doctor, intuitively, she sensed that this could be COVID-19 and went straight to the hospital. The hospital hadn’t handled any positive case of COVID-19 yet, and these were early times of the pandemic in India. So, the doctors were extremely skeptical. But they finally relented and admitted her at their quarantine center.

Dr. Piyush Bhise, the first COVID-19 doctor- patient in Akola district
Posted on : 24 Jul 2020

On March 29, Piyush got admitted to the hospital and got discharged by April 12. His happiness of going back to his family was short-lived, however. After coming back from the care centre, he quarantined at home for 14 days. “When you are locked inside the room for quarantine, I had lost touch with the outer world,” he says about his home quarantine experience.

Dhaval Parekh, the Final Year Resident Doctor Fighting on the Frontline!
Posted on : 21 Jul 2020

Meet Dhaval Parekh, the Final Year Resident doctor of BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad fighting on the frontline. Dhaval was called for contact tracing of patients as part of the government initiative. The young doctor studying at BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad immediately joined the force to volunteer. Though his line of work did not entail patient contact, one day he developed fever, followed with a change of taste, weakness and diarrhoea. Dhaval tested positive for Coronavirus.

Balaram: Content Writer to a Counsellor
Posted on : 21 Jul 2020

On May 2, the Animation content writer had just finished his routine animation work for the day. Balram suddenly experienced severe body pain followed by vomiting, sweat, red-eye, cough, and high temperature.

Meet Akhil, the first plasma donor from Telangana!
Posted on : 21 Jul 2020

A UK-trained lawyer, he returned to his hometown in March this year. Due to the ongoing pandemic and social distancing measures, the 24-year-old ensured to take necessary precautions. To his shock, he tested positive. Akhil then realised that he is now Telangana state’s 'P-16'. To add to his shock, he saw the media peddling fake news about a patient in the same ward as his in Gandhi Hospital. Akhil spoke about news coverage on COVID-19 patients, "It was disheartening; they could have conveyed the story better without the use of catchy words to increase TRP."

Catch the Rain, Where it falls, When it falls
Posted on : 21 Jul 2020

National Water Mission’s (NWM) campaign “Catch The Rain” with the tagline “Catch the rain, where it falls, when it falls” is to nudge the states and stake-holders to create appropriate Rain Water Harvesting Structures (RWHS) suitable to the climatic conditions and sub-soil strata before monsoon.

Winner Announcement for the 8th & 9th month of Water Heroes: Share Your Stories Contest
Posted on : 17 Jul 2020

In an attempt to promote value of water in general and for supporting country-wide efforts on water conservation and sustainable development of water resources, Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti launched a contest named “Water Heroes : Share Your Stories” Contest from 1st September 2019 running till 30th June, 2020.

My Right to Privacy cannot dominate the Right to Life of Another
Posted on : 11 Jul 2020

These lines written by Mahatma Gandhi are certainly expressions of the purest form of non-violence, today when the whole world is going through its worst phase as it struggles with the COVID- 19, to restore our principles of life it’s a time for self-realization of values of life for each of us.

मेरा निजता का अधिकार किसी अन्य के जीवन के अधिकार पर हावी नहीं हो सकता
Posted on : 11 Jul 2020

महात्मा गांधी द्वारा लिखी गईं ये पंक्तियाँ निश्चित ही अहिंसा के शुद्धतम रूप की भाव्यभिव्यक्ति हैं, आज जब पूरी दुनिया कोविड19 से संघर्ष करते हुए अपने सर्वाधिक बुरे दौर से गुजर रही है तब “जीवन के सिद्धांतों” के पुनर्स्थापन हेतु हम में से प्रत्येक को अपने अपने जीवन मूल्यों के आत्मवलोकन का समय है।


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