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Winner Announcement of Constitution Day Essay Contest
Posted on : 25 Jun 2020

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary year of the adoption of the Indian Constitution by the Constituent Assembly, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India in collaboration with MyGov conducted a “Constitution Day Essay Contest” from 26 Nov 2019 to 26th January 2020 with the objective to celebrate the Constitution Day on 26th November 2019 and to commemorate 70 years of the adoption of the Indian Constitution and also to make people aware about the fundamental duties.

NCW during lockdown: Commission’s way of addressing challenges of COVID-19
Posted on : 25 Jun 2020

COVID-19 has affected the world and its inhabitants on all possible facets, daily household routine to office cultures; everything has seen their share of modifications post the pandemic and it is uncertain as to how long will the impact last.

Winner announcement for the ICWA Essay Competition ,2019
Posted on : 13 Jun 2020

As part of its ‘Awareness Programme on Indian Foreign Policy’, Indian Council of World Affairs held the fourth edition of ICWA Essay Competition for school students (15-18 years) and undergraduate/post-graduate students (18-25 years). The results of the competition are as under. The decision of the ICWA Selection Committee is final.

Winner announcement for the Seventh month of Water Heroes: Share Your Stories Contest
Posted on : 11 Jun 2020

In an attempt to promote value of water in general and for supporting country-wide efforts on water conservation and sustainable development of water resources, Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti launched a contest named “Water Heroes : Share Your Stories” Contest from 1st September 2019 running till 30th June, 2020.

प्रतिकूलता से निपटना और उसके आगे देखना ही नेतृत्व होता है
Posted on : 08 Jun 2020

​किसी देश पर कोई संकट आता है तो वह उसके शीर्ष नेतृत्व को एक से अधिक तरीकों से परखता है। सबसे पहले तो जब कोई संकट आता है तो उसके प्रति तत्काल प्रतिक्रिया महत्वपूर्ण होती है। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा कोविड-19 के खतरे को बहुत पहले भांप लेने के साथ-साथ सतर्क, निर्णायक कदम उठाने से देश में इस वायरस के प्रसार को धीमा करने में मदद मिली और भारत को कई अन्य देशों से अलग भी खड़ा किया। अब तो प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा की गई देश को महत्वपूर्ण क्षति से बचाने की त्वरित कार्यवाही को राष्ट्रीय और अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर सराहा जा रहा है।

Communications on COVID-19
Posted on : 23 May 2020

Right communication strategy and leveraging technology is an important strategy to deal with the COVID19 pandemic. As we move ahead to the critical stage wherein certain activities have been allowed in Green and Orange Zones, there is a need for a communication strategy that helps drive behavioural change and ushers in an era wherein we may need to learn to live with the virus.

Winner announcement for the Sixth month of Water Heroes: Share Your Stories Contest
Posted on : 19 May 2020

In an attempt to promote value of water in general and for supporting country-wide efforts on water conservation and sustainable development of water resources, Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti launched a contest named “Water Heroes : Share Your Stories” Contest from 1st September 2019 running till 30th June, 2020.

Aadhaar – a verifiable identity
Posted on : 14 May 2020

Aadhaar gives a unique identity to each resident in the form of a 12digit number that is allotted randomly to the residents. So, when someone presents a 12digit random number claiming that it is their Aadhaar, how can you ascertain that it really exists?

mAadhaar: One mobile App for Aadhaar related services
Posted on : 08 May 2020

Like it has done in many spheres of life, your smartphone can now help you get several Aadhaar services easily. The mAadhaar App, with over 35 Aadhaar services, offers a convenient and quick way of availing services online.

Disaster Management Lessons of COVID-19
Posted on : 07 May 2020

India has shown the way with innovative solutions– World Health Organization. But how? Cases of Covid-19 first emerged in late 2019, when a mysterious illness was reported in Wuhan, China. The cause of the disease was soon confirmed as a new kind of coronavirus, and the infection has since spread to many countries around the world and become a pandemic.


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