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Cleanliness initiatives to mark Gandhi ji’s 150th Birth Anniversary

Cleanliness initiatives to mark Gandhi ji’s 150th Birth Anniversary
Start Date :
Jan 01, 2015
Last Date :
Jul 17, 2015
04:15 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

What are your ideas on commemorating Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary with a special focus on cleanliness? What innovative initiatives can be adopted to mark this ...

What are your ideas on commemorating Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary with a special focus on cleanliness? What innovative initiatives can be adopted to mark this event?

Showing 15396 Submission(s)
Prateek_5 9 years 8 months ago

Since people have recognised the importance of cleanliness through swachh bharat abhiyan.Its now the time to make strict laws to ensure that atleast our cities remain clean.And, when it comes to 'Toilet movement' people in rural india still haven't realised the importance of toilets in cleanliness, they think 'toilets' are for the rich rather than people who believe in cleanliness.

Sachin P
Sachin P 9 years 8 months ago

i believe in "Try to extract things from what we got,rather than creating own"
i figured out that i can extract 'people's WORK' into useful for Keeping India Clean.
my idea can stop people saying "I don't have time,b'coz i'm busy in my own WORK"
i'l be waiting for your response to my Email ID :sachin9845@gmail.com so that i can share my Idea...if i get your Response i'l be honored to share my idea sir.
i'm requesting you to response because even i want to Keep My India Clean

Sachin P
Sachin P 9 years 8 months ago

Hello Sir,
I have an idea which makes "Keep India Clean" much more faster than ever.
Im doing my Engineering in Karnataka and being an Engineering student even i need to be part of "Keep India Clean" but i don't have time.
I think main problem you may be facing is people saying "I don't have time,b'coz i'm busy in my own WORK" like just how i said. For many the word "WORK" means updating status,photos,commenting in social media.
so i have an idea to make people's work turn to Clean india

rahul dutt_1
rahul dutt_1 9 years 8 months ago

Operation clean India
1 identification of the places to be cleaned should be gathered and updated in internet
2 EVERY Saturday and Sunday should be dedicated for clean India
3one can chose date and place they can participate in this mission either by group or individual
4 every school s, college and company can come to together
5 government can moniter in online
6 collection of funds is not nessery every one can contribute metriels
7 compution should be set between city s with Price

Anand Singh 9 years 8 months ago

आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी अगर स्वच्छ भारत को सही तरह से लागू करना है तो लोगो को जागरूक करके साथ ही अधिकारियों को अचानक निरिक्षण करना चाहिए की स्वछता अभियान चल सही से चल रहा है या नहीं क्योंकि ज्यादातर मामलों मैं अधिकारी आने से पूर्व सफ़ाई होती है और उनके जाते ही स्वच्छ भारत गायब हो जाता है.

Shri A Rajaraman 9 years 8 months ago

there is over emphasis on toilets without understanding the full recycling process of nature. toilets being made should not land us in shifting the waste to the nearest river or dump yard.
the toilets being constructed should be connected to biogas plant and the balance converted to manure should be used as manure at the nearest farmland. imagine 120 lakh people in city like Mumbai producing human waste daily say 500 gms excreta &1 litres of urine volume per day =18000tonne where it will go.

Sanjeev Mahajan 9 years 8 months ago

Pl. include cleanliness from animal waste in Swachh Bharat.There r more than 70 million dogs.These dogs spoil roads and paths.All excreta pollute water sources. which is a big cause of Jaundice etc. Local Bodies should register pets and construct toilets for dogs.There should be penalty for those who make their pets to spoil the roads.Local body should charge fee & issue token for the pets. Government must sanction funds to Panchayats & Municipalities to provide space for animal excreation