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Inviting comments on the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill 2022

Inviting comments on the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill 2022
Start Date :
Sep 23, 2022
Last Date :
Oct 20, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Ministry of Communications had initiated a public consultative process to develop a modern and future-ready legal framework in telecommunication. ...

Ministry of Communications had initiated a public consultative process to develop a modern and future-ready legal framework in telecommunication.

With 117 crore subscribers, India is the world’s second largest telecommunication ecosystem. The telecommunication sector employs more than 4 million people and contributes about 8% of the country’s GDP.

The existing regulatory framework for the telecommunication sector is based on the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885. The nature of telecommunication, its usage and technologies have undergone a massive change since the era of “telegraph”. The world stopped using “telegraph” in 2013.

In the past eight years, the Government has taken several initiatives for the growth of the telecommunication sector. It is in this context that we have taken up the initiative to restructure the legal and regulatory framework for the telecommunications sector.

The Bill will replace the existing legal framework governing telecommunication in India, comprising of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, the Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933 and the Telegraph Wires (Unlawful Possession) Act, 1950.

In July 2022, a Consultation Paper on ‘Need for a new legal framework governing Telecommunication in India’ was published and comments were invited. Comments have been received from various stakeholders and industry associations.

Based on the consultations and deliberations, the Ministry has now prepared the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022. To facilitate further consultations, an Explanatory note to provide a brief overview of the Bill has also been prepared.

Citizens are invited to share their comments on the Draft Indian Telecommunication Bill 2022 on the MyGov Platform.

The draft Bill and Explanatory note can be accessed at https://dot.gov.in/relatedlinks/indian-telecommunication-bill-2022.

Last date of sending the comments on MyGov platform will be 20th October 2022.

Comments may also be sent on the email ID: naveen.kumar71@gov.in

Showing 443 Submission(s)
Krishna B Gawas
Krishna B Gawas 2 years 3 months ago

Dear sir
still in the village there are no internet facility. people has to run here and there for net
please pay attention on this and then draft new policy

Partha Basu
Partha Basu 2 years 3 months ago

Telecoms should be held accountable & be made to compensate users in case of service lapse or faults from their end. Whatever they promise in terms of quality of service, they have to offer. If an user lodges a network related complaint, that user must not be charged till the issue is resolved as per that user. TRAI should fix minimum speed that must be available on a 4G mobile network & on broadband, failing which the telecom will have to compensate & there must be penalties. Calls to registered emergency numbers of the family, for a short duration, must be allowed irrespective of active balance. Telecoms should be mandated to offer promised services across India. Prepaid users should be offered the facility of monthly data rollover. Missed call intimation & VoLTE to be provided free to all users by all telecoms. The provision of discount on bills on early payment may be evaluated. Telecoms should not bar incoming calls in absence of active balance. Retention teams to be more active.

RADHIKAMAURYA 2 years 3 months ago

भारतीय दूरसंचार संघ को और अधिक क्रियाशील होना चाहिए🙏

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 3 months ago

tell your communication means 2 say that
should be open forum
obvious with safe& secure modes
then actually should be
_even remote area banking+telecommunication
4 few amount (limitations as per area+ no of people residing & areas economic condition)
with certain freezing amount
means at least we try 2 reach up them
actually even all areas/remote under infotech
b/t_ if connectivity in small group or areas
& with fluency by legal work give banking pass
will show all transactions b& that will be connected 2 Bank eg-sbi
_ u know those who- unable 2 hear talk or see
4 them if do new connectivity in telecommunication mode
1st individually 4 all then collectively
& this will be with help of technology
all connected2help each other even by app
can be helpful
or touching pad&will learn by touch&if this person will teach 2 another who unable 2here
such as _vis a vis , vice-versa
telecommunication not only 4 normal people
but also helpful as per convenient all who needs

Dev Senapathy
Dev Senapathy 2 years 3 months ago

Dear Team, I would like to see the following transformation happening in India 1.) Abolish SIM cards and make all all devices to use online-sim so government should know about every device registered. This is so important for security of nation as aadhar is linked to mobile numbers 2.) make all ports of all electronic devices to use only type c (portable electronic devices, monitors and even some electrical devices). This is to reduce e-waste. 3.) Bring right to repair scheme on all devices manufactured so this is also to reduce e-waste. 4.) Make all navigation included devices to use only Indian naavi rather than GPS. Again this is for the security of the nation. Switch off 3G and free up bands for 5G. 5.) Move all radios and TV to only digital waves or via internet to free up bands. 6.) Allow free roaming for international visitors to boost tourism 7.) move to satellite based broadband service for future which means only broadband is provided to phones and phone line will be an app.

Pramod Ranjan Dwivedi 2 years 3 months ago

आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री महोदय दुरसंचार व्यवस्था मे सबसे जरुरी है मोबाईल नंबर को आधार से जोड़ना और उसके बाद जम्मू काश्मिर मे जो पर्यटक देश के अलग अलग राज्यो से घुमने जाते है उन्हे सुविधा दिया जाए ताकी पर्यटक अपने परिवार से जुड़े रहे और इसके लिए मोबाईल का आधार से जुड़े रहना बहुत जरुरी है ताकी मोबाईल नंबर का गलत इस्तेमाल न हो सके क्योकी बिना बायोमैट्रीक सिम कार्ड मिलेगा नही इसलिए देश की सुरक्षा सर्वप्रथम हो ऐसी व्यवस्था के साथ मोबाईल सेवा देने पर विचार हो

Muthuselvam Gugan
Muthuselvam D 2 years 3 months ago

Government of India should start its own OTT platform.Private OTT platforms are breaking the rules.OTT platform, movie publishing on the internet is better if it runs on Indian government platform.
Online remittance of Indians to other countries should be prevented.
It will help the government to overcome fiscal deficit.Porn websites & OTT sites can be regulated if not blocked.
Banning porn websites is like trying to catch the wind with a net.
can be brought within the tax limit.
There is an increasing risk of not only money but also information of Indians going to foreign countries through pornographic websites. India should only allow sites that cooperate with government investigation agencies.
Govt of India OTT platform alone is enough.

Similarly, tickets should be sold on the government's website to prevent cinema tickets from being sold at high prices.
Notifications should be made in the state languages ​​for reporting complaints about broadcast shows and films

Muthuselvam Gugan
Muthuselvam D 2 years 3 months ago

During the election polls are published through social networks, websites and news media.
This seems to be against the election rules.
International forces and domestic corrupt forces are likely to create confusion in Indian elections.
Therefore, polls should be banned from being conducted and published from the time the election regulations come into effect. The results of the polls can be published after the completion of all phases of elections.
Media favoring one side during elections is like preventing people from thinking.
International powers see opinion polls as their turf.
Therefore, activities such as social networking sites, news media, websites and applications should follow the rules of the Election Commission.All subjects bound by Department telecommunication should respect Election Commission regulations.
News media should be prevented from operating under the control of foreign powers against the country.

Dr Vasant Patel
Dr Vasant Patel 2 years 3 months ago

most important suggestion
please issue only two sim card to individual for lifetime with link of their aadhar card.and for professional and corporate please link company I'd with sim card to avoid and stop digital froud in India