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Inviting Ideas for Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25th August 2024

Start Date :
Aug 06, 2024
Last Date :
Aug 23, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address ...
DEAR MODI JI : Sun light in the night (reminder) I have developed technology to reflect solar rays in night through cosmonaut at space station holding 20m x20 m expendable space structure developed to accommodate aluminium coated plastic sheet to reflect 5 km wide solar rays. later through 18 satellites from 600 km orbit holding 20 mx20mt reflectors ,to reflect 30 km wide solar rays corridor every nights to generate solar energy in night also. in year 1993 an experiment was conducted by Russians :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/znamya_(satellite) cosmonauts unfolded a shiny flat disc of 20 m diameter made of gossamer plastic sheet coated with metal powder. the mirror was launched from the Mir station’s the cosmonauts sent sunrays of 5 km dia. across Europe from the shiny disc from about 8.17 a.m. to 8.27 a.m. Russian time . My article has been accepted by Astro Nautica a known space journal, seconded by Sh. Gopala Swami scientist decorated by Dr Kalam Sahib. India can
at Hingonia of Ajmer Rajasthan thre is a very inspiring thing goes on ladies of various countries are taking training in solar energy technology & trainers are local flicks who allready trained
In continuation to my previous suggestion, So, how do the previous said idea can happen. It all starts from primary and Secondary education. Add different varieties of subjects and make the newly aspiring scientists to think broadly. Which is nothing but Bharatiya punarujjevana. When different ideas of science grows the fields of science also grows and there by technology. Also you can patent our own indigenous valuable skills such as our own architectures ( ex: Hoysala with modern touch), various designing, and other small indigenous inventions globally. This will also increases the value of our Nation. Encourage reinvention of our ancient knowledge such as synthesising gold, Various Vimanas and their fuel assemblies, Ways of obtaining powerful astras, and the science behind it. These will also be added feature. Remember Modi.ji “Knowledge is the real treasure”.
Namaste Modiji, I am fed up of hearing US is 20 years ahead of India in this & that. China is 10 years ahead of India in this & that.My question is why do you want to compare all these things. See all these countries are in front because some innovated and some manufactured. The so called “advanced Technology”, Big Data, Cloud, IOT, everything started way back in 1960’s and 70’s with a damn diode. So, what was the basis of this diode? Obviously Science. Science is the mother of Technologies. Now, my idea is, gather our scientists & provide the necessary resources to do inventions and start new field of science from Bharath. Give them the necessary equipments. See, this world is not like 60s or 70s. It’s faster. Remember, I am not asking to create a machine. I am asking to develop a new scientific branch which is patented by our country, has a global value and adds value to our value chain. Then by applying that new branch, create new technologies. Voila! We will also be in front.
मन की बात
आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी सादर प्रणाम,
पर्यावरण के लिए मरता सुझाव है कि हर दुकानदार या मकान जहाँ पर्याप्त जगह है उनको वहां पेड़ या फूल का पौधा लगाना चाहिए इसके लिए नगर निगम नियम, नगर पालिका नियम बनाये. गाँव me किसान को सम्मान निधि तभी दी जाए जब किसान अपने खेत कि मेंढ पर, सड़क किनारे पेड़, लगाए उनको photo तहसील के पोर्टल पर भेजे तभी सत्यापन के बाद पैसा transfer किया जाए.
આદરણીય વડાપ્રધાનશ્રી, આપણા બંધારણ મુજબની ન્યાયપ્રણાલીમાં સો ગુનેગારો બચી જાય તો કંઈ વાંધો નહિ પરંતુ એક નિર્દોષને સજા ન મળવી જોઈએ તે મુજબની વ્યવસ્થા છે જેનો લાભ કહો કેમ ગેરલાભ ઉઠાવી કેટલાય ગુનેગારો પોતાની વગ વાપરી ને કેમ પછી માનવધિકારના નામે અતિ હોશિયાર વકીલોની મદદથી ગુનો કર્યા પછી પણ જ્યાં સુધી તે સાબિત ન થાય ત્યાં સુધી આરામદાયક જિંદગી જીવતા હોય છે અને સાથેસાથે તેની ઉપર કેસ કરનાર નિર્દોષ વ્યક્તિને હેરાન કરતા હોય છે અને અંતે નિર્દોષ છૂટી જતા હોય છે. વળી જો કદાચ ગુનો સાબિત પણ થાય તો મામૂલી દંડ અને સજા પામતા હોય છે તે પણ ઘણા સમય બાદ 😀 દેશના અતિ સંવેદનશીલ કેસો, નાગરિકોને સ્પર્શતા અતિ સંવેદનશીલ કેસોનો નિવેડો ઝડપથી આવે અને જો તે બાબતે ગુનો સાબિત થાય તો તે ગુનેગારના કેસ લડતા વકીલની પણ જવાબદેહી નક્કી કરી વકીલને પણ સજા થાય, જરૂર જણાયે તેનું વકીલાતનું લાયસન્સ પણ રદ થાય તેવી બંધારણમાં જોગવાઈ કરવામાં આવે તો અને તો જ આ દેશમાં પશુઓની પશુતાને પણ શરમાવે તેવા જઘન્ય ગુનાઓ(સ્ત્રીઓ પર થતા પાશવી બળાત્કારો)થતા અટકે અને દેશની અતિ સંવેદનશીલ બાબતો સાથે પોતાના સ્વાર્થ ખાતર ચેડા કરતા લોકોને સબક મળે.
Good morning, Respected Modiji
I am Annya Panugati, I am from Std III of Navy Children School - Porbandar – the land of Gandhiji.
The last two years have been really cool with the NEP implemented at my school.
The bagless days are a delight as my bag feels feather lite.
Studying Maths, English, and Hindi is so much fun when learning happens outside the fresh air along with the bright sun. My cousins told me that in their school days they always sat inside classrooms. Now I do thigs own my own and learn better. I see images of me and my learning progress in my report card instead of grades which brings smile on my face!
I learn faster, remember better, and with so much pleasure. We have community lunch, share our culture and languages among my classmates.
These are my experiences at Porbandar. Do you get similar news from students like me from other parts of India? Thank you, Sir.
Respected Prime Minister Sir
A new concept from a retired Professor,though retired but not tired of taking my Indian innovation across the world.
नमस्कार, मैं आकाशीय बिजली गिरने से हो रही असमय मृत्यु की ओर ध्यान आकृष्ट करना चाहता हूं। आकाश में बिजली चमकने के टाइम उच्च वोल्टेज की विद्युत गिरती है। खेतों में काम करने वाले या घर के बाहर रहने वाले पर आचनक गिरने से मौत हो जाती है। इसके बचाव हेतु एक किलोमीटर की डिस्टेंस पर तड़ित चालक टावर इंस्टॉल करने से एक किलोमीटर की रेडियस में गिरने वाले Thunder volt से लोगों की जान बच जाएगी। इसे एक परियोजना के रूप में स्वीकृत कर बड़े क्षेत्रफल में लागू कराया जाय।