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Inviting ideas for Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 30th June 2024

Inviting ideas for Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 30th June 2024
Start Date :
Jun 15, 2024
Last Date :
Jun 28, 2024
18:15 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address ...

Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on the 111th Episode of Mann Ki Baat.

Send us your suggestions on the themes or issues you want the Prime Minister to speak about in the upcoming Mann Ki Baat episode. Share your views in this Open Forum or alternatively, you can also dial the toll-free number 1800-11-7800 and record your message for the Prime Minister in either Hindi or English. Some of the recorded messages may become part of the broadcast.

You can also give a missed call on 1922 and follow the link received in SMS to directly give your suggestions to the Prime Minister.

And stay tuned to Mann Ki Baat at 11:00 AM on 30th June 2024.

Showing 3439 Submission(s)
MeghaRam Choudhary 7 months 2 weeks ago

किसानों की समृद्धि का रास्ता सहकारिता से होकर निकलेगा 

PACS को देश की ग्रामीण अर्थव्यवस्था की धूरी मानते हुए अलग से सहकारिता मंत्रालय बनाया गया और PACS को कंप्यूटराइज भी किया जा रहा। साथ ही PACS को मज़बूत करने के लिए ब्याज मुक्त फसली ऋण, खाद बीज कीटनाशक व्यवसाय के साथ मॉडल बायलॉज लागू कर सीएससी, पेट्रोल पंप, गैस एजेन्सी, जन औषधि केन्द्र, स्टोरेज के लिए गोदाम, कस्टम हायरिंग सेंटर, समर्थन मूल्य खरीद केंद्र सहित अनेक योजनाएं लागू की गई है जो PACS की मजबूती के साथ देश की विकसित राष्ट्र की ओर अग्रसर करेगी 

Subhash Sadashiv Zingade
Subhash Sadashiv Zingade 7 months 2 weeks ago

नमस्कार प्रधान मंत्रीजी मुझे गर्व है दुबारा शुरू होणे वाला मन की बात कार्यक्रम सुनने का प्रधान मंत्रीजी का गंभीर आवाज मे सारे देशको एक साथ जुडने का यह दिन 30/6/24 हम सारे परिवारीक सदस्य एक साथ बैठकर यह सुनते है और भी लोग सहभागी होते है अबकी बार मन की बात इंतजार खत्म जय हो

Srinivas sai 7 months 2 weeks ago

Hon'ble Prime Minister
Sir, In my state, thousands of cows are being transported on big trucks to slaughter house, we have been watching it everyday. When we try to inform the police, they don't respond and sometimes have warned us of stopping those trucks. Mr.prime minister, you don't believe this, but this is true, the people who are behind this illegal transporting of these innocent animals have political background and they lodged a complaint against us for stopping the containers and saving them. Please sir, you can save these innocent animals lives by just saying one word. Only you can do this. Please make cow as our national animal and before that bring some strict rules against this illegal transporting of cows.

Srinivas sai 7 months 2 weeks ago

To hon'ble prime minister of india

Sir, cow slaughtering has been increasing rapidly in our country, everyday we witness thousands of cows being transported in trucks to slaughter houses. Please stop these cruel activities on cows and save them. I request you, please address this issue and bring some strict rules against illegal cow trafficking and killing.

Srinivas sai 7 months 2 weeks ago

To hon'ble prime minister of Bharat

Sir, please address the issue of animal trafficking in our country, if you can bring some strict actions at toll gates to check every closed container thoroughly, you can save them.

Srinivas sai 7 months 2 weeks ago

To hon'ble prime minister of Bharat

Sir, please motivate people to save animals, stop abusing them, instruct state governments to build cow shelters in every mandal of their respective states to save those innocent lives.

kunal kishore_11
kunal kishore 7 months 2 weeks ago

Pradhanmantri ji pranam
Swarojgar is a best solution of employment.it has a economic revolution in our country.there are some point regarding it.
1 swarojgar chaper will be included in school syllabus .
2 A swarojgar mindset will be develop at school level.
3 A creative and innovative mindset will be promoted at school level.
4 A proper skilled oriented training facility available at college student.
5 social mindset will be changed and parent has convince to inspire their children about swarojgar.
6 A pension facility wi be given to swarojgar people.
7 Tax rebate and other facility will be given to swarojgar people.

Srinivas sai 7 months 2 weeks ago

To hon'ble prime minister of Bharat

Sir, I can see there are more slaughter houses than animal shelters in my state. I know this is the situation in every state. I want you to raise awareness in state governments to construct more cow shelters to save them.

Srinivas sai 7 months 2 weeks ago

To hon'ble prime minister of Bharat

Sir, As you know, there was an elephant by the name of ARJUNA in Karnataka which had served his entire life in Mysore Kali temple. After retirement, he was supposed to take relief from his duties and live the remaining life peacefully. But, the police gave him new duties to serve at the forest area to stop wild animals entering villages. Due to having no experience facing wild animals Arjuna was killed in an ambush by wild elephants. It was so cruel, sir, please bring a new rule that every elephant after 50 years should be taken to elephant shelter and live his/her remaining life with their families and friends.. Let's give them a proper happy ending they deserve...