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Inviting ideas for Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 31st December 2023

Inviting ideas for Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 31st December 2023
Start Date :
Dec 04, 2023
Last Date :
Dec 29, 2023
18:15 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address ...

Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on the 108th Episode of Mann Ki Baat.

Send us your suggestions on the themes or issues you want the Prime Minister to speak about in the upcoming Mann Ki Baat episode. Share your views in this Open Forum or alternatively, you can also dial the toll-free number 1800-11-7800 and record your message for the Prime Minister in either Hindi or English. Some of the recorded messages may become part of the broadcast.

You can also give a missed call on 1922 and follow the link received in SMS to directly give your suggestions to the Prime Minister.

And stay tuned to Mann Ki Baat at 11:00 AM on 31st December 2023.

Showing 6846 Submission(s)
Vedantsingh 1 year 2 months ago

माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी आप चूँकि दुनिया के सबसे पॉपुलर लीडर है ये हमारे और देश के लिए गर्व की बात है किंतु एक विषय जिसकी तरफ ध्यान आकृष्ट करवाना चाहुँगा पैडल रिक्शा या हाथ रिक्शा जो देश मे वर्तमान में भी प्रचलित है जब किसी बुजुर्ग रिक्शा चालक को देखता हुँ तो मन बहुत दुखी हो जाता है तेज धूप वारिश पसीने से लथपथ मुझसे नहीं देखा जाता में आपसे गुजारिश करूँगा की सम्पूर्ण देश मे जो भी ऐसे रिक्शा चालक हो उन्हें सर्वे करवा कर बैटरी चलित रिक्शा मुफ्त में या क़िस्त में प्रदाय करवाएं और चूंकि उन्हें तुरंत चलाना नहीं आएगा उन्हें प्रशिक्षित करें हम विकसित भारत की ओर जा रहे है ये मानवीय अत्यचार बन्द होना चाहिए

EVASAMUELK 1 year 2 months ago

Dear PM Modi ji, please discuss the issues related dignity and self-respect of women in the workplace of Indian society.
What are all the key measures this government is taking to overcome those issues faced by women in workplaces?
I know that you are a great person and trouble shooter of many problems in India. PM ji, What is your action on Women wrestlers' issues with the governing body of WFI of the past?

Thank you dear PM sir.

Rashmi Kant_5
Rashmi Kant 1 year 2 months ago

My Dear Modi ji ,
please, provide *I'm Modi* I'd card for BJP workers , they only for they're not leaders, Members, MP, MLA, Not have any position village, city, state, because BJP worker's not show VVIP, VIP I'd . i think, you are providing *I'm Modi * I'd card for worker's, this is equivalent to VVIP or VIP level.
after then use this I'm Modi I'd card, sold many problems in poor people.
I'm BJP 30 years old worker's.
we're provided free education to poor children since 2002 Amar Jyoti Bal Vikas Sansthan , lal tapper sai mandir haridwar road doiwala district dehradun Uttarakhand.
Jai hindi.

DR SWAPNIL MANTRI 1 year 2 months ago

I explore following categories of rest that gives me the deepest sense of rest and relaxation:
Physical — napping, relaxing, restoring your body
Mental — listening to music, quieting thoughts to focus on what matters
Emotional — participating in therapy, connecting with a friend, allowing yourself freedom to express feelings
Creative — painting, playing, cultivating inspiration
Spiritual — journaling, enjoying nature, connecting with God
Social — choosing life-giving relationships, setting clear boundaries
Sensory — unplugging from electronics, seeking out silence

DR SWAPNIL MANTRI 1 year 2 months ago

I follow following spiritual healing and stronger mental health practices:

Mindfulness: Mindfulness teaches you to be aware of what is happening in your body and mind in the present moment and open to it with curiosity and kindness. This allows you to explore beliefs, perspectives, and experiences in a new way that might lead to new insights.

Meditation: Meditation is the practice of focusing your mind for a period of time, fostering a connection with a higher power.

Yoga: Yoga is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, movement, concentration, and breathing techniques that can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and stimulate feelings of inner peace. Yoga is designed to cultivate mental focus and expand spiritual energy.

Prayer or taking part in organized religion.

Volunteering: Helping others is a selfless act of kindness that boosts your spiritual wellness
Journaling: Journaling is simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly.

soumya sajeev 1 year 2 months ago

I wish international standard hospital come for defence people.
all international facility that hospital should have.
defence people, who work for national 24hrs.
they deserve such high standard medical hospital.

echs refer defence patient to other private hospital.

for ex-service defence people and for there family one international standard hospital should be build ny centre govt in Kerala.

current defence hospital should be developed to international standard hospital in every state.

DR SWAPNIL MANTRI 1 year 2 months ago

Best way to strengthen your relationship is to work on yourself first. Becoming whole is the key to a healthy relationship.