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Inviting Ideas for PM Narendra Modi's Mann Ki Baat on 25th October, 2020

Start Date :
Oct 10, 2020
Last Date :
Oct 23, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on ...

PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on the 70th Episode of Mann Ki Baat.

Send us your suggestions on the themes or issues you want the Prime Minister to speak about in the upcoming Mann Ki Baat episode. Share your views in this Open Forum or alternatively you can also dial the toll-free number 1800-11-7800 and record your message for the Prime Minister in either Hindi or English. Some of the recorded messages may become part of the broadcast.

You can also give a missed call on 1922 and follow the link received in SMS to directly give your suggestions to the Prime Minister.

And stay tuned to Mann Ki Baat at 11:00 AM on 25th October, 2020

Showing 5355 Submission(s)
bharti 4 years 4 months ago

honorable prime minister sir.please make a law for the safety girls.so that we can also live without any fear.law should be so hard that no one can think about such type of crime as of rape..please make a law sir its a humble request to you.bharti a school teacher from darbhanga

PAWAN KUMAR SINGH 4 years 4 months ago

First my best wishes on Dussehra. We need encouragement on new beginings. This is festive season.everyone should be happy and try to let others be happy. An announcement may be made on activities of first three months before 31 th Dec 2020 so that 2021 may be fruitfull to others

sandeep agrahari_2
sandeep agrahari 4 years 4 months ago

प्रणाम सर
मैं एक रेडीमेड गारमेंट्स का व्यवसायी हूँ और विगत10वर्षों से जलदोहन रोकने के लिए कुछ अनोखे कार्य करता हूं ताकि लोग पानी की बेवजह बर्बादी को रोकने के लिए जागरूक हो किन्तु मैं आपका ध्यान NH56फोरलेन लखनऊ से वाराणसी फोरलेन सीमेंटेड कंक्रीट मिश्रणयुक्त सड़क निर्माण में प्रतिदिन करोड़ो लीटर भूगर्भजल भंडार की बर्बादी को ओर दिलाना चाहता हूँ इस परियोजना में जल बर्बादी को रोकने में मेरी मदद करें क्योकि मेरे द्वारा बूँद बूँद पानी बचाने के संकल्प को क्षीण कर रहा है https://youtu.be/fsOFMIb_Nek

PARTHA CHAUDHURI 4 years 4 months ago

Indians like to continue with their long used consumer goods after repairs/replacement of parts as opposed to use & throw mentality. If consumer goods manufacturers certify MSME units for manufacturing spare parts for their older models, it may benefit all concerned.

SANDEEP SUBHASH PATIL 4 years 4 months ago

Corona ko harana hai
Sabko milkar ladna hai
Corona ko harana hai
Khushiyaan wapas lana hai

Sacchayi ki raah par chalna hai
hume aatma nirbhar banna hai
kuch naya kar dikhana hai
desh ko aage le jana hai

Dont be afraid with corona.
Think positive
We will fight & win against corona.

Dr Patanjali Tripathy
Dr Patanjali Tripathy 4 years 4 months ago

Respected Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji
India is now a much stronger nation from a defense, economy, and political perspective. On China Borders, India is not as vulnerable as it was in 1962. Sir, with your strong leadership, clear vision and appropriate strategy and some incentives for the manufacturing, automobile, and service sector to bounce back post-pandemic would induce more spending by citizens to help the economy to grow faster.

SATYA PRAKASH TRIPATHI 4 years 4 months ago

माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी को नमन।।सर इस बार दशानन का पुतला जब हम जलाये तो उसके साथ ही हमे इन दस बुराइयों को भी खत्म भी करना होगा।।1)प्रदूषण(2)दहेज (3)नशा(4)गंदगी (5)अशिक्षा(6)माताओं और बहनों के प्रति बढ़ते अत्याचार(7)बाल अपराध(8)टैक्स चोरी(9)भ्रस्टा चार(10)दूसरों को अपमानित करना।।

Balaji P
Balaji P 4 years 4 months ago

Respected Prime minister, kindly note for Ten Lakhs Bank Employees wage revision is pending for Three years from 01 Nov 2017. MOU signed to settle the revision within Ninty days got lapsed already. Kindly intervene Prime Minister to finalise the settlement/MOU, for the welfare of the dedicated work force in this pandemic situation. Please consider Bankers genuine request of Five days Banking favourably. This is high time to solve this long pending issue by the Honorable Prime minister.

SK MARWAH 4 years 4 months ago

VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM - The core of sanatana dharma vasudhaiva kutumbakam is the ideology towards development of nations, world, entire humanity and universe.It is written in many texts including mahaupnishad
Its meaning is Earth is one family. It is the essence of nation building, development of the whole world and humanity
This core of development as per sanatan dharma is also written in the entrance hall of greatest temple of democracy our Indian parliament