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Inviting Ideas for PM Narendra Modi's Mann Ki Baat on 25th October, 2020

Start Date :
Oct 10, 2020
Last Date :
Oct 23, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on ...
Hoe you will have a look on this..
honorable prime minister sir in speech you could not speak about our problem please sir we want know the future of the temporary worker in tamilnadu most people is work as an temporary your private system is good that would be reduced wages of the government employees but we are work for the long time and no allowance and benifit covid 19 time also we are work in plant and port and other cleaning sectors but no benefit and support any announcement for the temporary worker permanent.
You may talk about not depending on others for own problems, like take bihar & assam, the floods are caused by extreme silting due to agriculture in upper grounds and water flow blockage by barrage, which can be overcome by making river boundry sewerage and many small water projects in hilly area to raise water by few metres, creating sam storage which can pump excess water using electricity and release it later to create electricity. We should make use of our labour, attached Sample Seweage
Non moustaches and became week wanted to go back hand over the kingdom to old kings of chess fighters,Then an old man with no mustaches thought to take kingdom from that week ruler and with his two sons assured a smooth transfer of power.But these two sons one called coach and another Tays wanted division and taya took his part and father and coach took over smoothly the other part of this Golden Kabutar land
government of Republic of india should make MAN KI BAAT for two Sundays in a month.like 2nd Sunday and fourth Sunday of every in a year.
Inspired by respected PM ji I am writing a story in my Man ki baat but in new short points
After effect world war few thousand years,civilisations separated, no communication,at one place a Sone ka Kabuter existed with kings having moustaches, at another place existed with no moustaches,Moustaches king fought war on chess no blood shed, and lived in Golder zkabuter area, Non moustaches took them over by bribing the guards,and kings with no army surrendered But another barbarian fought with
सर को सादर नमन।।सर नशा मुक्त भारत का सपना ,आप के आह्वान पर ही साकार हो सकता है।।
With due respect it is suggested that 500 letters rather click are nor enough for a senior citizen to express his man ki baat nor the time allowed for the session is enough
AT LEAST a for senior citizens who are a bit aged class with less efficiency They should be given concession of extra time and extra wording over and above the young onesi on this Mann ki baat
सर को सादर प्रणाम।।सर सड़क पर लोग जानवर बाँध देते है,पानी के लिये सड़क खोद देते है,अपनी मांगों के लिये सड़क को जाम कर देते है।सर आप लोगो से अपील करें कि ऐसा करने से आम जनता को कितना कष्ट उठाना पड़ता है।।