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Inviting Ideas for PM Narendra Modi's Mann Ki Baat on 25th October, 2020

Start Date :
Oct 10, 2020
Last Date :
Oct 23, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on ...
Sir please ban news media and online ott . They are insulting hindhus but your watching show. Please take any action. Without religion they don't have creativity. Why we need such type of creativity. If hindhus do same things with other religions what will happen. Before that you take a action.
Coming to specific points and request is that state governments should made constitutionally more accountable and responsible toward well-being of their citizens. This is important because 99.90% people comes under them and they take them granted. Various provisions could be innovate and improve for this. Viz. Participation of more diversites in state governments, fixing of incentives and panelties on governments along with citizens, etc
Dear Sir, Vanakkam. I cannot understand why nature rewards someone and others punishes. Why this nature rewarding and punishing human beings changes at differs person to person? Because of this Good and bad changes and vice versa. Your are the great person to teach Yoga to live harmony with nature, but till now I am unable to live harmony with nature. Will you please explain me how to go with nature laws for peaceful and happy living in this earth? thanks and regards. K. Manigandan 6369420644
Detailed discussion on Atmanirvar Bharat and its future structure, plan etc.
The human civilization is sharing the burden like last century experience of post world war I. In future also we will experiences the changes. Changes of all types.
As a nation we should recognise and respect this and move forward.
We should learn to address and grow to deal with situations. This could be start from individuals to family, to society/communities, to localities, to state, to nation, to world, and more. I believe we have solutions for our problems. I believe in possibilities.
माननीय महोदय जी ,
सादर नमस्कार ,
मेरे सुझाव संलग्न है |
माननीय महोदय जी ,
सादर नमस्कार ,
मेरे सुझाव संलग्न है |
माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी,
आत्म निर्भर भारत योजनाओं के तहत उत्तर प्रदेश के कुशीनगर जनपद में तरयासुजान बडौदा यू पी बैंक के शाखा प्रबंधक के द्वारा मुद्रा लोन देने के लिए ब्यवशायिक घर के कागजात को गिरवी रखने के पश्चात ही लोन देने की बात की जा रही है हमारे द्वारा क्षेत्रीय प्रबंधक और महाप्रबंधक महोदय जी को पत्र द्वारा सूचना प्रेषित किया जा चुका है लेकिन समस्त ऊँचाधिकारी मौन है।प्रार्थी बेरोजगार है रोजगार हेतु ऋण लेकर बिजनेस शुरू करना चाहता हूं लेकिन कुशीनगर जनपद के बैंक कर्मचारियों के द्वारा केवल शोषण
Respected PM Sri Modiji,
I wish to submit the additional topic for Mann ki Baat on 25th October 2020
#Ajjappa Arkachari, #Retired official,
Respected honorable prime minister
Iam the farmer central minister Mr.M.arunachalm brother son.Ex.prime minister Mr. Rajivgandhi had come to my house on 3.10.1998 Ihave been trying to meet you for the past two years many times I write letter asking permit. Idid not get permission. Please give. Appointment to meet you