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Inviting Ideas for PM Narendra Modi's Mann Ki Baat on 25th October, 2020

Start Date :
Oct 10, 2020
Last Date :
Oct 23, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on ...

PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on the 70th Episode of Mann Ki Baat.

Send us your suggestions on the themes or issues you want the Prime Minister to speak about in the upcoming Mann Ki Baat episode. Share your views in this Open Forum or alternatively you can also dial the toll-free number 1800-11-7800 and record your message for the Prime Minister in either Hindi or English. Some of the recorded messages may become part of the broadcast.

You can also give a missed call on 1922 and follow the link received in SMS to directly give your suggestions to the Prime Minister.

And stay tuned to Mann Ki Baat at 11:00 AM on 25th October, 2020

Showing 5355 Submission(s)
taruvendra kumar tiwari
taruvendra kumar tiwari 4 years 4 months ago

आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री मोदी जी,
मैं पिछले कई दिनो से देख रहा हु की लोग कोरोना को लेकर कितने लापरवाह और लाचार है। लगता है कि इन लोगो के समझ से परे है कोरोना के प्रति अपनी स्वयं की कड़ाई और भलाई ही काम आयेगी अतः आप लोगो से बारंबार प्राथर्ना है कि आप सभी कोरोना से बचो और बचाओ।
इसलिये कहा जाता है,
"जब तक कोरोना के लिए कड़ाई नही,
तब तक किसी की भलाई नही।"
तरुवेंद्र तिवारी,

AJAY 4 years 4 months ago

कोराना संकट को देखते हुए सभी टीवी चैनल्स और समाचार पत्रों के लिए आवश्यक किया जाए की कोरोना से बचाव की सावधानियों के प्रति आम लोगों को जागरूक करने में उत्साही भूमिका निभाएं। खानापूरी ना करें जैसे सिनेमा हॉल में पहले बिना किसी भावना के राष्ट्रगान दिखाया जाता था। उस तरीके से कोई भी प्रेरित नहीं हुआ। इन्हें इस काम को राष्ट्रहित मे समझ कर अत्यंत उत्साह के साथ आगे बढ़ाना है जैसे यह सुशांत जैसे मुद्दों में करते हैं। दिन भर पर मुख्य बुलेटिन में पर्याप्त रुचि पूर्ण समय दें। अन्यथा दंड दिया जाए।

sri joshini saravanan 4 years 4 months ago

A week before the PM's 50th 'Mann ki Baat' a telephonic study was carried out by All India Radio. The campaigns mentioned by Modi which had the most impact on listeners were Selfie with Daughter, Incredible India, Fit India and Sandesh to Soldiers. The most remembered topics were the promotion of Khadi, Drug Free India and Team Tarini

narahari a p
narahari a p 4 years 4 months ago

dear sir,
programs telecast in dd kisan in Hindi language,
I request please telecast in regional languages, all farmers will came to know understand complete information about crops, prices, weather,
as similarly Maan ki bath
thank you,

Shubhadarshan Sandur 4 years 4 months ago

Guest workers policy:

"Athithi Devobhava"!

Migrants and Contract workers to be termed as 'Guests' and should be given enough facilities, so that when they move from one place to another place for work, through Common Service Centre (CSC). Also contract workers to be, treated with enough facilities, so that they are empowered for project completion.

Because, No body is migrant in their own country and no body is a contract labour in a free world.

Madhushree Barik 4 years 4 months ago

Respected sir, it is heart wrenching to see beggars and their little children to sleep at roadsides, railway stations, garbage piles, etc picking up food from dustbins. I want to share my thoughts to eradicate this completely. There should be 2 buildings for them in every district: one for males and one for females where they will get food, shelter and work. And due to no reproduction among them, after 50 years from now, India will have no beggars. Sir please take action on this idea

Madhushree Barik 4 years 4 months ago

Respected sir, it is heart wrenching to see beggars and their little children to sleep at roadsides, railway stations, garbage piles, etc picking up food from dustbins. I want to share my thoughts to eradicate this completely. There should be 2 buildings for them in every district: one for males and one for females where they will get food, shelter and work. And due to no reproduction among them, after 50 years from now, India will have no beggars. Sir please take action on this idea

Bijender Singh_131
Bijender Singh 4 years 4 months ago

I salute to our PM for his patriotism and honesty towards nation.i have some issues like one nation one rules, edu. should be realistic, practical and skillfull, people should be aware towards their duties because most of us think about ourselves not about nation, this scenario should be changed, we should go with every cast and community for develop country in every field. we should reform in reservation, law, migration,administration, agriculture, Labour and environment.we must serve nation.

Ganesh Chate
Ganesh Chate 4 years 4 months ago

Sir, in this pandemic situation many people lost their job. To enhance Employment in our country by simple basic Corporate Social Responsibilities we can boost morale of the citizens,
The detailed points with respect to this are given in the attachment.Hope it will be useful.
Yours Truly