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Manodarpan: Inviting ideas to combat Psycho-social stress on School and College Students, Teachers and Parents due to COVID-19 pandemic

Start Date :
Jul 21, 2020
Last Date :
Aug 21, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The outbreak of the global pandemic COVID -19 presents a challenging time for everyone around the world. Not only is this pandemic a serious medical concern, but it also brings ...

The outbreak of the global pandemic COVID -19 presents a challenging time for everyone around the world. Not only is this pandemic a serious medical concern, but it also brings mixed emotions and psycho-social stressors for all. There are emerging mental health concerns with specific focus on Children, Adolescents and Youth as they more vulnerable to heightened level of stress, anxiety and fearfulness, along with a range of other emotional and behavioral issues. COVID-19 has also brought new stressors on Teachers and Parents hampering their capacity to provide positive support to their wards. While it is important to focus on continuing education on the academic front, we must give equal importance to the mental health and well-being of the students.

Manodarpan, an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, under the AatmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, aims at mobilizing psycho-social support to help Children, Youth, Teachers and Parents country-wide in a comprehensive and multimodal manner during conditions like COVID-19 and after. For more information, please visit www.mhrd.gov.in/covid-19/

MyGov in collaboration with the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, hereby invites citizens to share ideas and inputs to combat the psycho-social stress on School & College Students, Teachers and Parents, caused due to COVID-19 pandemic. Selected comments may be featured on social media.

Last date of sending us your inputs is 21st August 2020

Showing 3814 Submission(s)
GARAIYA AKSHAY 4 years 6 months ago

Stress among both high school and college students has been at unprecedented levels, manifesting in historically high rates of mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression. And then coronavirus hit. It’s too soon to fully grasp the psychological toll of students' abrupt removal from school and shift to remote learning, not to mention potential job losses, family strife, illness, and loss of loved ones. While I think it’s safe to assume that students need help managing stress

Sunita Kumari_222
Sunita Kumari 4 years 6 months ago

अभिभावक भी इस संयोग का लाभ उठा कर अपने परिवार के साथ खुले मन से बाहरी जीवन के तनाव को छोड़ कर अपने बच्चो को अपने परिवार के संस्कार एवं अपनी संस्कृति के बारे में ज्ञानार्जन करने में सहायक हो सकते हैं तथा वे व्यहारिक शिक्षण का भी कार्य कर सकते हैं जिससे बच्चों का भी समय आसानी से कुछ सीखते हुए व्यतीत हो जायगा और अभिभावक भी अपने रोज मर्रा के तनाव से कुछ हद तक छुटकारा पा सकते हैं

NIKHIL nike 4 years 6 months ago

children were already stressed out due to running behind the marks
i think they had sum rest online classes are good but the materials for online classes must be given by the government
thank you
the student of India

Vinay Reddy_38
M VINAYAKUMAR REDDY 4 years 6 months ago

Sir I have one idea for starting schools instead of keep students ideal. idea is " for instance 30 students in class, we have to dived 10 students one group, first 10 students should come to school on monday , tuesday, second 10 students should come to school on Wednesday, Thursday, third 10 students should come to school on Friday, Saturday. In a week two days classes, rest of the days home work.
Thank you sir.

Sunita Kumari_222
Sunita Kumari 4 years 6 months ago

आपदा को अवसर में हम संकल्प सिद्धि और सयोंग द्वारा बदल सकते हैं छात्रों चाहिए की इस महामारी के समय को एक सुनहरा संयोग समझकर स्व अध्ययन द्वारा अपने ज्ञान को उच्च कोटि का बनाना तथा अपने ऊपर यह विश्वास पैदा करना चाहिए की ईश्वर ने हमें काफ़ी बुद्धिमान बनाया हैं इसलिय छत्रों को यह अपने आप से संकल्प करना चाहिए की हम इस संयोग का लाभ उठाकर सिद्धि तक का सफऱ तय करेंगे

Karmishtha Krishna
Karmishtha Krishna 4 years 6 months ago

The pandemic has resulted in a rise in people seeking for depression and anxiety medicine prescriptions. But what if children and adults both didn’t have to consume bitter pills at all? The antidepressants will be crushed and mixed with flavoured drink powder within sachets. This can provide a more flavourful and engaging experience for the patient.

Check out our whole concept 'Pacify' on the PDF attached.

CONCEPT BY : Jeenal Jain, Karmishtha Krishna, Krati Bangard, Rukaiya Vohra

SATYA PRAKASH TRIPATHI 4 years 6 months ago

एक बालक या युवा सिर्फ एक माता पिता की संतान नही वो भारत माँ की भी संतान है।हम अपने संस्कार ,आचरण,स्वभाव,और व्यवहार से एक मजबूत चरित्र वाले युवा को हर स्थिति के लिये तैयार कर सकते है।परिवार में स्वस्थ वातावरण और सकारात्मक विचारों से कोरोना से उपजे मानसिक बदलाव को दूर कर सकते हैं।