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Share ideas on how to celebrate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

Start Date :
Mar 25, 2018
Last Date :
May 08, 2019
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In his Mann Ki Baat address on 25th March 2018, PM Narendra Modi invited Citizens to share ideas on how to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi's 150th Birth Anniversary on MyGov. What are the ...
Clean City as like as your home, become our nation will be cleanliness.
We always try something new .so this year also.we have to start a new programme for the development of India. Sir ,at this time .there is a influence of elections.. I wanted that for the next time . there must be online voting system with full security.... thanks
on such auspicious ocassion, I would suggest that schools should teach all the morals and the policies of Gandhiji as we all know Gandhiji helped all individuals regarding health so there should be a free health check-up for citizens. and at the last, he loved cleanliness and greenery so more plants should be planted on this day.
According to me we can do a number of activities like: run for peace , development and marketing of khadi ,vocational class on peace or against terrorism. As we all know that ghandi ji is also known as the " father of nation ". So, we plant a single for the nation or the sake of humanity ...
Organise camps in different places and practice gandhiji's morals with students or local people and ensure implementation of the same daily
I wish to organize Run for bappu in Mumbai ,for all Indians to participate between boriwali to NCPA marine drive,looking forwarded govt s association on 02 oct 2019 between 0400 hrs to 1000hrs am
Clean ample water supply needed in taps
Greatest tribute to Gandhi G by us in todays's India was :
we should celebrate birthday by implanting more and more trees in India because:
i think pollution in Delhi is the great problem India facing today. if Gandhi G be present in today's India i am sure he also wants to improve the situation in Delhi. i am am not reside in Delhi but i feel very bad for those people who die every year because of pollution. we should try to adopt every possible measure to reduce pollution
सेवा मे
माननीय प्रधानमंत्री
नरेंद्र मोदी जी
भारत सरकार
विषय : प्राईवेट नौकरी में हो रहे अत्याचार की सूचना हेतु प्रार्थना पत्र !!
सविनय निवेदन इस प्रकार है । कि कोई भी प्राईवेट कंपनी, प्राइवेट स्कूल या कोई शॉप में जॉब पर हमें 6,000 से 8,000 हर महीने देते हैं और हमसे 10 से 12 घण्टे काम लेते है और वही सरकारी नौकरी के एक चपरासी को हर महीने 45,000 तक मिलते है और उसमे भी 8 घंटे ड्यूटी ।
माननीय प्रधान मंत
Gandhi ji is much more relevant at this time when world is fighting with terrorism and climate change and in India problem of employment has taken a serious turn. Why these things are happening because some where we have left the source of light which enlighten our freedom struggle.Let us rediscover Gandhi ji to make this place a better for next generation Jai Hind Jai Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose