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Share ideas on how to celebrate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

Start Date :
Mar 25, 2018
Last Date :
May 08, 2019
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In his Mann Ki Baat address on 25th March 2018, PM Narendra Modi invited Citizens to share ideas on how to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi's 150th Birth Anniversary on MyGov. What are the ...
Mahatma Gandhi, father of nation was from Purbandar in Gujarat. He is known by every people of the country. His role in getting independence. Born on 2nd Oct.
Now come to the point, about the 150 birthday. His birthday should be organised in such a manner that everyone should be invited at one place. In his birthday everyone should be given fooding facilities at temple, church, mosque etc. for needy and poor peoples. There should be decorations made every where so as to remember Mahatma Gandhi
'एक देश, एक जाती....भारतीय मेरी जाती' यह अभियान चलाया जाये. कठीण संघर्ष के बाद मिली हुई स्वतंत्रता का मोल बढाते हुये. विश्व मे जाती, धर्म, वर्ण के नाम पर हो रहे संघर्ष को इस विचार मध्यम से खात्म करने कि दिशा मिलेगी.
महात्मा गांधी यांच्या १५० व्या जयंतीनिमित्ताने गावपातळीवर ग्रामविकासाला चालना देणारे आणि पर्यावरण पुरक उपक्रम राबवणारे कार्यक्रम घेतले जावेत. कार्यक्रम राबवण्यासाठी नेहरु युवा केंद्र, स्वयंसेवी संस्था NGO, राष्ट्रीय कामगार शिक्षण मंडळ, नाबार्ड, महिला बचत गट, शेतकरी मंडळ, ग्रामिण विभाग, कृषी विभाग यांची मदत घेतली पाहिजे. यात केंद्राच्या योजनांची माहिती देण्यासाठी गावात युवक, महिला व शेतकरी मेळावा, स्वयंरोजगार प्रशिक्षण, सेंद्रिय शेती, मार्गदर्शन, जलसंधारणाचे उपक्रम राबवले पाहिजेत.
Namaskar Sir,
Mahatma Gandhi's 150th Birth Anniversary ke avsar par meri apse yahi gujaris he k CONTRACT Basis pe work karte logo ko is badhati menhgai k hisab se vetan mile, contract kaam karte logo ko only shoshan hi hota he is menhgai me 7000 salary se kya hoga
જય શ્રી ક્રિષ્ણા,
જય જય ગરવી ગુજરાત,
મારુ માનવુ છેકે આ ગાંધી જયંતિ ના શુભ દિવસે ગુજરાત માંથી હંમેશ માટે દરેક વ્યસન ને જાકારો આપવામા આવે.
તથા કોઇ પણ ઘર બેરોજગારી મા ના હોમાય દરેક ભણેલાને નોકરી મળે, દરેક ખેડુત શુખી રહે સૌના માટે કાયદો સમાન હોય, કૉન્ટ્રાક્ટમા કામ કરતા દરેક વ્યક્તિને સારો પગાર મળે. કૉન્ટ્રાક્ટમા કામ કરતા વ્યક્તિનુ માત્રને માત્ર શોષણ કરવામા આવે છે અને વળતર પેટે ૭૦૦૦ થી ૮૦૦૦ જ મળતા હોય છે આજના આ મોંઘવારી મા પરીવારનુ ભરણપોષણ આટલા પગારમા થઈ ના શકે, તો આ વિષે વિચાર કરશો.
1. Promote the use of bicycles for less than 5km distance per day. It will promote health of office workers. 2. Make education system unified in government and private schools. 3. Refine the education system which make the students intelligent instead Macale's system which says to retain the information. Ensure that at least after graduation students should be able to earn their bread, means they must learn a compulsory skill development subject.
Special One hour lecture in every school , college, university about Gandhiji vision of India on 1st of October and then assign them task for 2 october .
We need corruption free India and basic amenities like fuels and food should be affordable to all people. In current situation cancer is leading India because of no proper food control.
On 150 bday celebration of Gandhi ji before that day only we must clean our india
Gandhi ji samman hum kar sakte hai ye kaam karke
1. Safai karmiyon ka samman karke jisse unka utsah badhe
2.Nagriya nikayon aur panchayto dwara nagarikon se kam se kam ek pedh(tree) adopt karwakar
3.Gandhiji ki kitabo ko school college me uplabdh karwakar aur ek lecture unke nam se rakhwakar
4.Gandhiji ek advocate the isiliye unko karyo me kis tarah se improvement kiya ja sake jisse desh me pending cases solve ho sake isake bare me vichar aur kuch action plan banakar.