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Share ideas on how to celebrate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

Start Date :
Mar 25, 2018
Last Date :
May 08, 2019
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

In his Mann Ki Baat address on 25th March 2018, PM Narendra Modi invited Citizens to share ideas on how to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi's 150th Birth Anniversary on MyGov. What are the ...

In his Mann Ki Baat address on 25th March 2018, PM Narendra Modi invited Citizens to share ideas on how to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi's 150th Birth Anniversary on MyGov. What are the different initiatives which can be taken up across the country? What are the new ideas which can be taken up? Share your thoughts here!

Showing 5435 Submission(s)
Prakash mallappagari 6 years 6 months ago

My ideas about an 150th birth anniversary of mahatma ji is Take the Gandhis principles,ideas and Thoughts into the peoples mind of our country.It is necessary bcoz lot of people forgotten there are human and behaving like an cruel animals.ANd doing lot of crimes so by taking the people of india in the way of GANDHISAM we can surely achieve the overall devlopment of our country make my india one among the top countries.jai jawan,jai mahatma.jai hind..

M Radhakrishnan Nair
M Radhakrishnan Nair 6 years 6 months ago

Introducing high denomination coins in place of paper currency beyond Rs. 50 will definitely improve the digital transactions. Banks may be instructed to issue coins for cash withdrawal of more than a specific amount.

prashant batwal 6 years 6 months ago

प्रणाम श्रीमान , विकास की ओर हो रही आपकी नीतियां कारगर है जिस प्रकार देश भर में रोड का जाल बिछाया जा रहा है जिससे देश नई दिशा की और अग्रसर है लेकिन वहीं पर्यावरण को अधिक खतरा बनता जा रहा है यदि बड़े वृक्षों को नहीं बचाया गया तो स्थितियाँ और भी गंभीर होगी। अतःआपसे आत्मीय निवेदन है, कि जिस तरह हृदय को transplant किया जाता है उसी प्रकार वृक्षों को भी transplant कर पर्यावरण कि धड़कन को बचाया जाये।सड़क निर्माण में बड़े और पुराने वृक्षों को विशेष ध्यान रखा जाना चाहिए ।

prashant batwal 6 years 6 months ago

प्रणाम श्रीमान , विकास की ओर हो रही आपकी नीतियां कारगर है जिस प्रकार देश भर में रोड का जाल बिछाया जा रहा है जिससे देश नई दिशा की और अग्रसर है लेकिन वहीं पर्यावरण को अधिक खतरा बनता जा रहा है यदि बड़े वृक्षों को नहीं बचाया गया तो स्थितियाँ और भी गंभीर होगी। अतःआपसे आत्मीय निवेदन है, कि जिस तरह हृदय को transplant किया जाता है उसी प्रकार वृक्षों को भी transplant कर पर्यावरण कि धड़कन को बचाया जाये ॥

rajeev kumar jain_9
rajeev kumar jain 6 years 6 months ago

गांधी जी भारत की अातमा है। हर अाम अाैर खास गांधी जी काे पाप्त करना चा िहता है ।

RAHUL SINGH 6 years 6 months ago

By eradicating caste title name from every citizen then only we would truly gives tribute to gandhi ji . All are equal and that will be possible only when no one should be indentified as his/her surname.

Tejaswini digambar balgude
Tejaswini digambar balgude 6 years 6 months ago

Respected Prime Minister Sir,
Building toilets near the main roads/Highways is very necessary for peoples (mostly for women's) is very serious issue faced by women's when they are travel.

Tejaswini digambar balgude
Tejaswini digambar balgude 6 years 6 months ago

Respected Prime Minister Sir,
Many lives gone due to improper management of canals/Nahar. mostly side areas of schools/colleges. Child's don't know about depth of water and they suffer accidents.most of the cases happen in rural areas.
We can fixed protected net over canals/using pipelines instead of canals at least besides of schools.I request u to give attention over it.Because Its very necessary to find solution over this problem.

Vaishali Porwal
Vaishali Porwal 6 years 6 months ago

It is the high time to focus over those issues which are the roots of all problems. the most important one of them is unemployment. it is the time to employ people in different work. it will lessen their spare time and will provide them earnings. crimes will be diminish. education is necessary but a man can earn from his skills also. government should start skill development programme on a very mass level. our bharat can again be very prosperous. there is a need to improve few things.