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Share ideas on how to celebrate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

Start Date :
Mar 25, 2018
Last Date :
May 08, 2019
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

In his Mann Ki Baat address on 25th March 2018, PM Narendra Modi invited Citizens to share ideas on how to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi's 150th Birth Anniversary on MyGov. What are the ...

In his Mann Ki Baat address on 25th March 2018, PM Narendra Modi invited Citizens to share ideas on how to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi's 150th Birth Anniversary on MyGov. What are the different initiatives which can be taken up across the country? What are the new ideas which can be taken up? Share your thoughts here!

Showing 5435 Submission(s)
sudha tr
sudha tr 5 years 10 months ago

Let's celebrate 150th Birthday as 'Hari Bharath(Green India)'. It's important to conserve our nature for next generation. Agenda is to plant tree samplings across nation by all beloved citizens of Bharath. It may be infront of house/road sides/national highways or wherever it is possible to plant. Please consider this as my suggestion. Thank you

Priya sonkar_3
Priya sonkar 5 years 10 months ago

India me gandhi mahan men and anek log mahan men jaise ,jawaharlal nehru , bhagta singh ......Ityadi logo ka janam hua hai india country festival country hai.

Santanu Datta_3
Santanu Datta 5 years 10 months ago

Every municipality, panchyat, corporation should be given responsibility to select a person who is really interested to spread Bapuji's message and way of life among general public and students through different sub committee. The municipality or panchayat or corporation will take feedback from the person in every one month. the person may be called as public resource person. The person may be selected from My Gov portal. I am very much interested to do this job with the help of Govt.

CH SREE DHEERAJ 5 years 10 months ago

My country is rich but it’s poor
I want to fulfill dreams of bapu by making our nation rich and prosperous in the world 🌎
So I’d like like to serve poor and needy on Gandhi’s 150 birthday
Jai Hind 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳
There few resolutions must be taken by all the citizens
1.reduce poverty
2.help poor and needy
3.reduce pollution and save nature
4.follow rules
5.respect constitution

Vivek kumar_2570
Vivek kumar 5 years 10 months ago

I love my india my strong india I india in india love you country india country anya country se strong country hai india me hindu log rahte hai india me bhaut acha pradan mantri good men . India me gandhi mahan men and anek log mahan men jaise ,jawaharlal nehru , bhagta singh ......Ityadi logo ka janam hua hai india country festival country hai.

Srinivas Pannala 5 years 10 months ago

Amma Nanna Ram
Amma Ram Om Ram Om Amma Govinda Govinda Amma

Pooja jain_100
Pooja jain 5 years 10 months ago

In present days global warming and pollution is a very big problem we are face so we should not only make plan fot this but also constantly execute and then examine what are reason behind plan is not working properly then improve the action for this problems

manish dhiman 5 years 10 months ago

Village education is must. youth from villages migrate to cities but without education and proper training they don't get jobs. I have been training these youth since couple of years and it helped finding them confidence and with soft skills.

Santanu Datta_3
Santanu Datta 5 years 10 months ago

Every Indian should know and understand Gandhiji and his messages. Love for all and hatred for none with this realisation I am going to tell every body who ever comes in my contact about Bapuji. Simple living and high thinking with this idea i will try to be an example of this idea. Use that much material what you require with this message I am going to adapt in my life. I should not chase for the material which will be extra for me. Above all I want to be an example to others like Bapuji.

Rajan Kumar_257
Rajan Kumar 5 years 10 months ago

The most momentous action of Mahatma Gandhi in giving up his upper garment for the first time happened in the temple town of Madurai.

So I Request you to kindly start a new train from Madurai to Guruvayur via Kollam connecting two divine cities of Sri Meenakshi & Sri Krishna.

It is be a boon for devotees on both the states - KL & TN.