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Skill Development and 21st century India

Skill Development and 21st century India
Start Date :
Jan 01, 2015
Last Date :
Jul 31, 2016
04:15 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

How important is skill development in taking India forward in the 21st century?

How important is skill development in taking India forward in the 21st century?

Showing 22071 Submission(s)
UP168405614 8 years 6 months ago

कौशल विकास से आज देश में क्रान्‍ती है जिससे मानव में एक नयी उर्जा अाायी है

Shreyas Belsare
Shreyas Belsare 8 years 6 months ago

U know main problem of our India is population.... Population control is now need.. Then prepare any type of policy... Digital India.. Make India.. Skill development.. I know is great policy it's need for devolped india.. But it hide main problem of India... So I requested to my govt..take an action on it..

JAGDISH PATHAK 8 years 6 months ago

It is the great vision of Hon. PM to use latest and advance technology for development, transparancy, speed and accuracy in all types of work. Hence, Public net work system should be speedy having great accuracy level. I suggest that, more competition should be created, more service provider should be added, further, Internet & Wi-Fi facilities should be upgraded, hence, disturbance in operating should be minimum, It should be available to people at minimum and affordable cost, best wishes

Hitesh Nagpal
Hitesh Nagpal 8 years 6 months ago

Product development is much important than skill development program ..first jobless skilled person should settel ...I m MCA holder...I found not much Embedded System product makinng in India. .but BTECH MCA BE candidate wondering on road . govt give job them ..no need to purchase hitech product from any otger country. Like mobiles motherboard ....sensor based system ..automated system . ...I know read processor datasheet and aplly programming for moving hardware ..but no platform to me..

sunil kumar_262
SUNIL KUMAR 8 years 6 months ago

मेरा नाम सुनील कुमार है मेरी OMT ID HR040800221 है मेरे गाँव का नाम छात्तर है जिसकी जनसंख्या लगभग 25000 के आस पास है | मैंने MCA किया हुआ है मेरा एक सपना था कि मै अपने गाँव के लोगों के लिए कुछ अलग करूं मेरा यह सपना कंप्यूटर ने पूरा किया | मै आपको बताना चाहूँगा की कंप्यूटर/इन्टरनेट के माध्यम से हमें सही और समय पर जानकारी मिल जाती है जैसे यदि हमे बिजली/टेलीफोन का बिल भरना है तो हम घर बैठे अपने कंप्यूटर के द्वारा ये सब कर सकते है हम अपने व् अपने परिवार के मोबाइल/DTH आदि को रिचार्ज कर सकते है

Asok Kumar_6
Asok Kumar 8 years 6 months ago

Let Private oraganisations/companies or if give training and certification in their field of business (based on periodical inspection of training and exam for pupils conducted by govt body) and let pupils later work as apprentice for certain time to gain certification. This will expand the network of training fast and what is needed as per need of industry, and many will be interested as they have prospects of job after training

Madhusoodhanan Namboothiri 8 years 6 months ago

Cheap and easy re application methods to dispose the plastic waste materials like in roads/ interlock tiles that can be used on pavements shall make the sorroundings cleaner and more hygenic easily. Many skilled persons get work with good returns in money and satisfaction through the social service

Nitish Kumar_262
Nitish Kumar 8 years 6 months ago

Sir, This time I suffered so much mental pressure from family side and friend. And I know this is not for only my story .this is all about those people who facing this condition. Sir we request to you for organizing this programe as standard way for bright present and future both.

Nitish Kumar_262
Nitish Kumar 8 years 6 months ago

Skill devlopment is useful for every body as interest and basic knowledge.But there is an one bigest disadvantage of this program.Some where is not useful for every time.Dear sir,I wan't to share our problem,I Nitish Kumar working as a graduate apprenticeship trainee in BEL Bangalore from feb-2016 to till now. My stipend is so much less (only 5000/month).There is a problem to servibe in this city.And I heard about the value of certification is not considering as an experience.

JAGDISH PATHAK 8 years 6 months ago

In respect to Income tax returns, Hon. PM vision is to double the tax payers in next 5 years, I want to suggest that, it is possible to double the assessee by 5 years, but, there should be some special provision of filling returns,e.i. special scheme should be introduces,"ASSESSEE PROMOTION SCHEME", Minimum tax should be paid 2000/= by assessee who have PAN, and above the poverty line, furhter, Income will confirmed upto taxable limit slab e.i. 2.50 lacs(as now), No scrutiny, etc., best wishes