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Smart City Kavaratti

Smart City Kavaratti
Start Date :
Sep 30, 2015
Last Date :
Dec 05, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The Smart City Cell, Kavaratti is pleased to inform you that our City has been selected through a competitive process for SMART City Mission initiative of Government of India. In ...

The Smart City Cell, Kavaratti is pleased to inform you that our City has been selected through a competitive process for SMART City Mission initiative of Government of India. In the next phase, our city has to compete with 99 other cities from across the country to make it into the Top 20 cities which will be taken up for the first round of funding, for the financial year 2015-16. The Stage II involves the preparation of an Area Development Plan under the SMART City Proposal (SCP).

Smart City Cell, Kavaratti is preparing Smart City proposal for Kavaratti. Vision of the Smart Kavaratti will be decided by the people. The Smart City proposal will reflect the aspiration of residents of Kavaratti.

Smart City Cell, Kavaratti is invites ideas and suggestions from all the residents of Kavaratti on the vision of Smart Kavaratti.

Lets join to make Kavaratti a Smart City.

Showing 11 Submission(s)
P Sai Bharadwaj
P Sai Bharadwaj 9 years 3 months ago

A great step in sewage management is to process then sewage in BIOGAS units and use the biogas as fuel.Not only this,the biogas sewage sludge which is left over can be used as manure or landfill for growth of POPLAR,which is a shrub which grows into adult plant size in under one year.So an ANNUAL POPLAR BASED SHORT ROTATION COPPICE can be initiated at urban level.This poplar harvest(WOOD) can be used BOTH FOR PLYWOOD MAKING AND THERMAL ELECTRICITY GENERARATION FROM CHARCOAL.PLEASE DON,T WORRY ABOUT CO? FOOTPRINTS WHEN I HAVE SAID'THERMAL ELECTRICITY' , BECAUSE THIS IS A CLOSED CYCLE CO? GENERATION.That means whatever co? is generated by this year's poplar is actually utilized by the next year's poplar crop.This technology is presently being used in England.The requirements needed for this project would be a large piece land,thermal electricity generation machinery,wood cutting manpower and machinery for cutting wood into small chips(for efficient combustion) as well as a very very efficient system for collection of sewage and organic waste.It is best if we can promote WASTE SEGREGATION AT SOURCE.The organic waste consisting of kitchen waste,dried biomass like leaves etc. can also be added to biogas chamber along with sewage.The non organic waste like plastic SHOULD BE RECYCLED.AGAIN FOR THIS ALSO,WE HAVE A GOOD TECHNOLOGY WITH ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT AND THAT IS CALLED "solar rotational molding" by LIGHTMANUFACTURING.COM.By this technology we can mold the thermoplastic waste into useful products like dustbins,water tanks,etc.SPECIAL MENTION OF PLASTIC BOTTLES:THESE CAN BE USED TO CREATE MANY ACTIVE AND CREATIVE THINGS OF EVERYDAY USE SUCH AS TOYS,MONY PRSES,ETC and even STREET LIGHTS.YES,STREET LIGHTS.VISIT liter of light.com to know more.PAPER WASTE CONSISTING OF papers ,cardboards etc. constitutes about 50% of an average Indian dustbin.All this paper can be recycled.Many of our municipal corporations are trying to get rid of all this waste by just incinarating it.BUT BELIEVE ME INCINERATION WON'T HELP IN THE LONG RUN.IT ONLY ADDS MORE CO?TO THE ATMOSPHERE.Waste segregation at source and proper processing of solid waste both from dustbins and latrines can alone help our 'SMART CITIES' to :
1)efficiently handle wastes
2)create more job opportunities
3)create a more eco friendly city with minimum carbon credits
4)create amenities such as plastic,wood,electricity,paper within the borders of the city so as to improve the services to people.
