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Smart City Port Blair

Smart City Port Blair
Start Date :
Oct 19, 2015
Last Date :
Nov 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Andaman and Nicobar Islands Union Territory is one of the two island territories of the Republic of India. The Island territory holds great significance due to its natural beauty ...

Andaman and Nicobar Islands Union Territory is one of the two island territories of the Republic of India. The Island territory holds great significance due to its natural beauty and geo-strategic position in the Bay of Bengal. Due to its colonial history and welcoming policies of the administration the territory has a true multicultural identity and has a sobriquet ‘Mini India’. Port Blair is the main city in the territory and reflects this identity. Even though the population is not very high vis-a-vis the other main Indian Cities, Port Blair is the lifeline for all the people of Andaman and Nicobar Islands owing to its better infrastructure and connectivity.

Port Blair City is one among the cities that is selected for the Smart Cities Mission Challenge by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. The Andaman and Nicobar Administration is in the process of preparing the Smart City Proposal (SCP) for competing with the other selected cities in the country. Citizen participation will play a major role during the preparation of the SCP. The ANI administration seeks the views and opinions of its citizens to be considered for its inclusion in the SCP that will be submitted to the Ministry of Urban Development. This platform serves as an effective means to reach out to the residents of Port Blair City by providing a forum for productive discussions that emerge out of the living experiences, ideas and solutions for issues that are faced by the city residents. While airing their views, the residents are requested to maintain focus and understand the concept of Smart City by visiting the webpage:http://smartcities.gov.in/faqs.htm

The last date to submit your suggestions/ comments is 31st October, 2015.

Showing 150 Submission(s)
rameshlodhi 9 years 4 months ago

Bhopal ko smart city banane ke liye hame best transport system,medical,education hub,IT hub,tourism,green city,clean city, slums free bhopal,house to all in concepts par dhyan dena hoga.
Lakes ko clean rakhna hoga or green belt area develope karna hoga

rameshlodhi 9 years 4 months ago

The definition of the smart city will be specific to each cities participating in smart city mission but some of the features are common among these cities :
1. citizen participation
2. education and employment
3. water and energy supply
4. transportation and mobility
5. sanitation and waste management

rameshlodhi 9 years 4 months ago

The initiatives vary in scope and focus, but the drive is the same – improve efficiency, save costs and generally improve the urban experience.

rameshlodhi 9 years 4 months ago

भोपाल शहर में माहिलाओ के लिये उचित सुविधाएँ होनी चाहिये ।

rameshlodhi 9 years 4 months ago

शहर के ताल तालाबो को दूषित करने वाली उस पॉलीथिन को, में शहरवासीयो से आग्रह करना चाहूँगा की सबसे पहले पॉलीथिन से परहेज़ करें, और अपने घर में और घर के आस पास गंदगी न होने दें और दुसरो को भी यही सलाह दें, और उन्हें सझायें की यह सिर्फ प्रशासन का ही काम नही हे हमारा भी कर्तव्य हे।
यहां तक तो बात थी सफाई की.....
सफाई के अलावा में चाहूँगा की शहरवासी बिजली की बचत को लेकर जागरूक हों।और में शहरवासियों से यह अपील करना च

rameshlodhi 9 years 4 months ago

there should b signal free roads. to be more precised there should be over bridges ,flyover,subways,to make the city trffic free.this remedy shoud be applyd for whole country,which vill make our bhopal_#"A SMART CITY"

rameshlodhi 9 years 4 months ago

Dear Mr Sharma , First close all man hole of sevage and Gutters even
main road like hamidia near station then discuss about smart city

rameshlodhi 9 years 4 months ago

Dear Mr Sharma , First close all man hole of sevage and Gutters even
main road like hamidia near station then discuss about smart city