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Smart City Proposal of Durgapur City for Round-2

Smart City Proposal of Durgapur City for Round-2
Start Date :
Apr 25, 2016
Last Date :
Jun 16, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Our city “Durgapur” selected for Round-2 under Smart City Mission. At present, Durgapur is in the process of preparing the revised Smart City Proposal. Therefore your valuable ...

Our city “Durgapur” selected for Round-2 under Smart City Mission. At present, Durgapur is in the process of preparing the revised Smart City Proposal. Therefore your valuable suggestions are solicited to revise the Smart City Proposal of Durgapur City for Round-2 and onward submission to Government of India (GoI).

After a lot of deliberation among Durgapur Municipal Corporation (DMC) officials, citizens of Durgapur and various stakeholders, during Citizen’s Engagement Round - 1, Smart City Proposal for Durgapur was developed and it included various components like:

1. City Vision and Goals
2. Strategic Plan
3. Pan City Proposal
4. Area Based Development
to name a few.

In Round 2, based on suggested guidelines by MoUD, GoI and The Municipal Corporation of Durgapur being requested to examine and revise the earlier proposal through identification of the gaps, we are proposing certain changes in the Smart City Proposal Document and a guiding document of the same is being uploaded herewith for comments and suggestions of all concerned Citizens and Stakeholders of Durgapur City by posting their remarks/feedback on the discussion thread.

So, now we invite all citizens of Durgapur to participate in this review process where they can share their suggestions to help DMC reformulate the Smart City Proposal in Smart City Mission Round-2 challenge. The links of required documents have been provided underneath.

Click here to read the Round-1 Smart City Plan

Click here to read the Suggested Changes for Round - 2

Showing 219 Submission(s)
S Bandyopadhya
S Bandyopadhya 8 years 9 months ago

Really public transportation improvement is necessary, high-class hospitals like The Mission Hosp. is req., free wifi zones are required, DMC needs paperless work = online water tax, holding tax etc. and online electric bill payment for DPL.

M Banerjee
M Banerjee 8 years 9 months ago

Proper pollution control, more number of public transport, high quality degree colleges, two/three multispeciality hospitals, wide roads and better electric power supply.

Dr. Rupam Bhaduri
Dr. Rupam Bhaduri 8 years 9 months ago

My proposals are:1)Requirement of processes to reduce enormous pollution in the air of Durgapur due to some of the unplanned industries(2)Therefore,lots of plantation is required to increase the greenery of this city(3)Wide roads with two lanes to cater huge traffic(4)More number of roadways(5)More number of public transports(6)Repairing of roads in time(7)Proper and timely waste collection and management(8)Req.another Superspeciality Hospital(9)Req.good quality degree Colleges(10)Free Wifi

ananda mondal_1
ananda mondal_1 8 years 9 months ago

Employment generation, Pollution Free City, Better Water Supply, Under ground sewage system, Transport service particularly in night