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Tell us the importance of treating animals well

Tell us the importance of treating animals well
Start Date :
Sep 26, 2022
Last Date :
Oct 31, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The importance of nature and animals has been a part of Indian culture & traditions for centuries. The 'Action Plan for Introduction of Cheetah in India’ - a landmark initiative ...

The importance of nature and animals has been a part of Indian culture & traditions for centuries. The 'Action Plan for Introduction of Cheetah in India’ - a landmark initiative to bring back Cheetahs into our ecosystem, echoes this ethos of respect for animals.

PM Narendra Modi in Mann Ki Baat urged citizens to participate in discussions regarding the importance of treating animals well. Please share your thoughts and ideas on the same.

Participate & send your ideas on the topic above and stand a chance to win a trip to see the Cheetahs at Kuno National Park!

Last Date of submission is 31st October, 2022

Showing 2790 Submission(s)
BiswajitBehera 2 years 3 months ago

First of all all people should know about the animals which are getting extinction from world. Then we should take some action for which we can save these animals. The most reason for the extinction of animals is climate change for our activities. So we have to take care of our environment so that we can save our earth.
This CHEETAH project is very good project from government of India. We welcome and appreciate this type of initiatives.

HRUSIKESHPADHI 2 years 3 months ago

Animals are our friend. Do not distrub &angry them. They are protect our environment. We will built their shelter.So ahed more &more plantation save the earth, animals and environment. Thanks.
Jay Jagannath

DIPAK BHATT 2 years 3 months ago

Dear Sirs, Pl. find h/w my views on Importance of Animals. Thnx. Dipak Bhatt. Mob. 7043272831
E-ml. dbhatt@cadilapharma.co.in

पशु दिवस 24 अप्रैल को प्रयोगशाला जानवरों के बलिदान को याद करने के लिए पूरे विश्व में मनाया जाता है।
सभी जानवर चाहे बड़े हो, या छोटे दोनों तरह के जानवर हमारे और पर्यावरण के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण घटक हैं।
जानवर हमें चमड़ा, भोजन जैसे कीमती सामग्री प्रदान करते हैं। जैसे मछलियों, कीड़ों और परागणकों एक कार्यशील पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र में गतिविधि के जाल का समर्थन करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण घटक हैं। सभी पशु किसी न किसी रूप में दुनिया में बहुत लाभदायक हैं। पशुओं से हमें बहुत मूल्यवान और लाभदायक वस्तुएं प्रप्त होती हैं। पालतु पशुओ का कृषि के कार्य में उपयोग किया जाता है। अनेक पशु सवारी और सामान ढोने के काम आते हैं। पशुओं से हमें कीमती दवाईयां और पालतु पशुओ के दूध से घी, मक्खन, खोया, पनीर, ऊन मिलता है। आज संसार में पशुओं का उत्पीडन जिस बुरी तरह से किया जा रहा है उसे देखकर किसी भी भावनाशील का ह्रदय दया से भरकर कराह उठता है। पशुओं पर होने वाला अत्याचार मनुता पर एक कलंक है।

Xxxxx 2 years 3 months ago

గౌరవనీయులైన ప్రధానమంత్రి గారికి,నా హృదయపూర్వక నమస్కారములు,మనము మనుషులుగా ఒక సంఘాన్ని ఏర్పాటు చేసుకున్నాము.అందులో సాధు జీవులకు జీవించటానికి అవకాశం ఇచ్చాము,ఇక్కడ క్రూర మరియు సాధు జంతువులు అని మనము విభజించాము. కృర మృగాలని అడవులకే పరిమితం చేసాము.కావున వాటి యొక్క జీవితం అవి కడుపుకుంటున్నాయి. ఇప్పుడు జనాభా ఎక్కువ అవ్వడం చేత అడవులలో కూడా మనిషులు అధికమైనప్పుడు అడవులు కూడా తగ్గిపోతున్నాయి.ఇప్పుడు మనము ఒక వృక్షాన్ని కాపాడితే ఎంత మేలు జరుగుతుందో అలాగే వన్యప్రాణులను కాపాడిన సృష్టికి అదే మేలు జరుగుతుంది.అందుకే మనము మన వంతుగా ఇప్పుడు నేషనల్ పార్క్స్ అని పేరు పెట్టి వాటిలో వాటికి స్వేచ్ఛ ఇచ్చాము‌.ఇప్పుడు వాటి జీవనానికి అనేక ఆహారములు అందిస్తున్నాము.కానీ వాటి యొక్క సంఖ్య తగ్గిపోతూ వస్తోంది.కారణాలు ఏదైనా కావచ్చు వాటిని సంరక్షించే బాధ్యత ప్రభుత్వాల పైన ఉన్నది.అక్కడ నివాసం ఉంటున్న జనాలకు భరోసానిఇచ్చి తగిన జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకొని ఆతర్వాత వాటిని సంరక్షించే బాధ్యత ఉన్నది.
ఏది ఏమైనా అన్ని జీవాలను కాపాడే బాధ్యత ఈ డిజిటల్ యుగంలో కూడా మనపైనే ఉన్నది వృక్షో రక్షిత రక్షితః,
వన్యప్రాణ రక్షిత రక్షితః (అన్న స్లోగన్ తో).

SuryashaNanda 2 years 3 months ago

Helping wild animals will give them a nice and beautiful atmosphere to survive..They can't speak still they have emotions and feelings.So initiatives should be taken so that they can also enjoy their lives.. Save animals save a beautiful world.

sakshi 2 years 3 months ago

Animals are a very integral part of our biodiversity without whom our ecosystem will completely collapse. All the life forms on this earth are interdependent, we all are part of a chain. Every living being present in our environment is holding the chain firm and facilitating in the smooth running of life on this earth. Even if one end of this chain breaks, havoc will be created.
Animal welfare must be the foremost and only aim when it comes to human activities involving animals.

Animals have life and emotions just like you and me, so as a result they should in turn be also treated likewise humans. Considering the lives of animals inferior to that of a man and looking at them with disdain, is idiocy. Animals have a enormous role in the natural community and in stabilization of our lives and ecosystem. Existence without them is impossible.  Animals are the purest soul and have also proven to be excellent companions. Animals have also significantly been a support system for humans and

sakshi 2 years 3 months ago

The importance of treating animals well can't be stressed enough.
As citizens of India we must safegaurd and cherish our wildlife. We who are the children of Mother Nature have conscious responsibility of tending to the needs and taking good care of  her and aspects related to her.

Just like humans animals too are a very noteworthy part of mother nature. Animals and humans are equivalent in eyes of nature. She views all the fauna and flora she has given rise to with the same soft hearted sight and embraces them all with the same amount of warmth and love.

As humans, it becomes our unbiddened responsibility and a must and should to give back to our mother earth who has given us our existence by protecting and insulating her and her subsidaries.

priyanka gautam_26
priyanka gautam 2 years 3 months ago

हमारा उदय प्रकृति से हुआ है और अंत भी प्रकृति मे ही हो जाना है । हमारी संस्कृति ने हमे प्रकृति की पूजा करने का उसका अनुसरण करने का संस्कार दिया है । भारत का प्रत्येक नागरिक किसी न किसी तरह से प्रकृति की पूजा करता है। हमारे वन व हमारे पशु पक्षी हमारी सच्ची धरोहर है । हमारी श्वास हो या भोजन या जीविका को चलाने के सामान, हम प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से वनों पर हमेशा से निर्भर है। हमे यदि आगे बढ़ना है तो अपनी धरोहर को सहेज कर रखना होगा । वन रहेंगे तभी हम भी स्वस्थ और सुखी रहेंगे पर वन क्या पशु पक्षियों के बिना पूर्ण हो सकते है कदापि नहीं। जैसे हमे जीने का अधिकार है उन्हे भी है। ईश्वर ने मनुष्य को इतनी बुद्धिमता और शक्ति सिर्फ अपने विकास के लिए नहीं दी है वरन कमजोर के सुरक्षा , व्यवस्था के लिए भी दी है। किसी जीव का पृथ्वी से विलुप्त होना हमारी मनुष्यता पर कलंक की तरह है। बहुत से पशु दयनीय स्थिति में है मनुष्यो के अति लालच के कारण। हमे उनका पालनहार बनना है संहारकारक नहीं । मोदी जी ने चीतों को वापस लाकर इक मिसाल कायम की है की है वो देश के सच्चे हितकारक है । उनका ये कदम हमे जागरूक बनाता हैं

Pradnyan Achari 2 years 3 months ago

Iam express my opinion that animals are innocent and kind hearted gods gift to the earth,we have to save very animal from human beings,as well as when there is cheetas, in india cheetas are less population in animal in india, it is the great thing that our pm more promoting to words cheetas as well as animal iam very appreciate our pm shri Narendra modiji, giving more importance towards cheetas in indian origin thank you sir doing great job. Not only pm all Indians has to take these things seriously
Thank you