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TRAI Invites Suggestions on Consultation paper on "Issues related to Digital Radio Broadcasting in India"

Start Date :
Aug 19, 2017
Last Date :
Sep 19, 2017
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
At present, terrestrial radio coverage in India is available in Frequency Modulation (FM) mode and Amplitude Modulation (AM) mode (Short Wave and Medium Wave). AIR along with ...
Please find the inputs on TRAI consultation paper on issues related to "Digital Radio Broadcasting in India"
Long live India
The success of any technology depends on it’s acceptability by the end consumer.In case of Broadcasting this is even more crucial because it’s commercial model is highly dependent on the user base.Though, it is appropriate to give impetus for introduction of new & improved Digital technology ,because general advantages of Digital systems over Analog are well known,but the actual field testing data in case of Digital broadcast in India cannot be ignored.Attaching my views on consultation points
Two of the proposed systems operate in two modes each, making a total of nine systems being tested. The nine systems are divided into the following types of transmission: in-band on-channel (IBOC), in-band adjacent-channel (IBAC), and new bands
I think government should start DAB as it will high quality audio to the user. Moreover government is spending lot of money on MW/SW transmitters operation and maintenance. DAB will bring down government expenditure to a greater extent.
Digital Radio Broadcasting using Cognitive Radio Technology
I would like to request our Hon PM Modiji to lay a framework to start Suicide Prevention Helpline to help those in distress. Most vulnerable sections are students, farmers, defense & law enforcement personnels, victims of domestic abuse, rape, Pvt. Sector employees, Geriatrics patients etc.
National Health Service, United Kingdom has such helpline who has employed professional clinical psychologist as BPO executives to handle the distress calls from those vulnerable sections.
#TRAI, #DoT, #MyGov
रेडियो app को भारत में बेचे जानेवाले हर एंड्राइड फ़ोन में compulsory शामिल करना चाहिये उसके साथ ही उसको कोई भी REMOVE ना कर सके ऐसा इंतजाम करना चाहिये लेकिन app की साइज़ बहुत ही छोटी होनी चाहिये और यह app सब mobile बनाने वाले कंपनी को compulsory भी होना चाहिये
#TRAI, #DoT, #MyGov
हर mobile पर रेडियो का प्रसारण बिना केबल लगाने का होना चाहिये क्युकी हर बार केबल साथ में नहीं रहती है और केबल लगाकर ऑपरेट करना हर किसी को संभव नहीं है इसके लिये रेडियो का माध्यम ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगो तक जाने के लिये हर mobile बनानेवाले कंपनी को बिना केबल के रेडियो चल सके इसका इंतजाम करने के लिये निर्देश देने चाहिये और यह compulsory भी होना चाहिये इसके साथ mobile के function में रेडियो को भी शामिल करना चाहिये
Sir, Radio became outdated in these date due to TV & Smartphone, So my request is, the govt have to direct all mobile company to provide facilities for radio broadcasting i.e. to enable all mobile-set to work as radio whenever required by the people with Short Wave and Medium Wave facilities in all Mobile phones.