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Tune in to 101st Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 28th May 2023

Tune in to 101st Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 28th May 2023

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Lakshmy C Senan 1 year 8 months ago

Dear Modiji,
I am from Prakkulam, of Trikkaruva Village, Kollam Kerala, known for the Sambranikodi ecopark -a shallow watery island in the middle of the deepest lake of Kerala- Lake Ashtamudi. It is a hub of 5 of the 8 known variety of mangroves, niche of conches, oyester, crabs, shrimps etc. People walk freely in water. From the scenic shore of the peninsula Sunrise and sunset can be enjoyed.It has long costal land as Prakkulam is a long peninsular piece of land and is one among the 8 tails of Ashtamudi which is another tourist destination of the Village. Now one ward is declared tourist village.If developed it can be a Global centre of Attraction, which can increase the quality of life of residents, raise their GDP, thereby improve state and national revenue. The entire Village shall be declared tourist village with liberalisation to CRZ norms of 50m or 100m. Now there are no sufficient quality restaurants, cafeteria, resorts, stays, shops etc Boat safety also be ensured.

Jayan K J 1 year 8 months ago

Price lock for essential foods.

India has significantly reduced poverty over the past few years, but there are still some areas that are of concern, notably in terms of access to essential foods.
The government must establish a price strategy for necessities like rice, wheat, eggs, milk, etc. These items cannot have their prices increased by private vendors without government authorization.

Asit Baran Bose
ASIT BARAN BOSE 1 year 8 months ago

Honourable Prime Minister sir,
I have listened nearly all episodes of the glorious MAN KI BAAT but extremely sorry to quote that no version of Private school teachers and their conditions were ever mentioned. We would like to hear your version for the teachers of private schools throughout the country and your concern for them. It shall be really appreciable if your honour can cast some effective ideas to uplift their miserable condition. Private school teachers are the largest amount the community of teachers of this country
thank you.

susanta kumar pattnaik_3
Susanta Kumar Pattnaik 1 year 8 months ago

Parliament is the constitution and india is a largest secular democratic country,so PM is constitution head and renowned South Asia 's cardinal leaders , thus it is auspicious that PM should inaugurate new parliament bhawan.
New parliament bhawan is in charge to take care peoples opportunities and maximum ensures peoples support.
New parliament says, peoples participation sportive to Govt program and opinions and comments gather and government should close to peoples issues, next finding out a concrete decision for peoples better.
New parliament wishes for a change and change in enhancing people better livelihood and ensuring better lifestyle.
New parliament bhawan is a good friend to poor and maximum extent must solve poverty.
New parliament- it is in direct youth turning point and in charge to prepare youth for 21 st century work force.
New parliament is a knowledge Bank, can pocket National & International issues perfect.

NIRUPAM BASAK 1 year 8 months ago

Dear prime minister ji,
Our BJP&NDA party will be get 450 seats in loksabha election,2024 and prime minister Narendra Modi come back to his prime minister post at parliament under central government of India .
Thank you very much always.
God bless you.

Dhrubajyoti Kalita_4
Dhrubajyoti Kalita 1 year 8 months ago

Respected PM Sir,
Bamboo and Banana Fibre based items from Assam may win the world. Proper steps should be taken to promote bamboo and banana cultivation as well as rural industries in Assam. Hope these two items will be covered during Mann ki Baat programme.
With thanks
Yours faithfully
Dhrubajyoti Kalita

Bharat Dave 1 year 8 months ago

नाथद्वारा(पी एम मोदी की अंतिम विजिट) में विधानसभा स्पीकर सीपी जोशी और मिराज ग्रुप के मालिक मदन पालीवाल ने मिलकर किये कुछ फ्रॉड ।
1 विधानसभा स्पीकर सी पी जोशी के सहयोग से लगातार सामाजिक कार्यों के नाम पर धीरे - धीरे नाथद्वारा मे अवेध रूप से जमीन पर कब्जा किया जा रहा है। तथा बाद मे इस ज़मीन का व्यावसायिक उपयोग होता है।

Bharat Dave 1 year 8 months ago

नाथद्वारा(पी एम मोदी की अंतिम विजिट) में विधानसभा स्पीकर सीपी जोशी और मिराज ग्रुप के मालिक मदन पालीवाल ने मिलकर किये कुछ फ्रॉड ।
1 'शिव मूर्ति 351 फीट' की जमीन मिराज ग्रुप ने नहीं खरीदी। (भू माफिया)
2 यह मूर्ति के नाम से लिया जाता है और अब यह वाणिज्यिक उद्देश्य में उपयोग हो रहा है। (भूमि कानून)
3 जानकारी के अनुसार यह वन विभाग की भूमि है और नगर पालिका ने इसे मिराज समूह को उपहार में दिया (गलत तरीके से भूमी हस्तांतरण )
4 शिव मूर्ति की पार्किंग में कई बार पैसा लिया और पर्ची नहीं दी जाती और फास्टेज से पैसे भी काट लिए।(उपभोक्ता संरक्षण अधिनियम)
5 आगंतुक भी वहां पानी की बोतल नहीं ले जा सकते हैं, इसलिए स्पष्ट रूप से 3 घंटे में आगंतुक को पानी की आवश्यकता होती है और गलत तरीके से और जबरदस्ती वहां पानी की बोतलें बेची जाती हैं (उपभोक्ता संरक्षण अधिनियम)
6 यहां किमसन पार्क नाम का एक होटल भी है यह भी गलत तरीके से बनाया गया था, नगर पालिका ने विकास कोष के नाम पर ले लिए हजारों रुपए

swati gharat
SwatiGharat 1 year 8 months ago

भारत के युवाओ को भारत से मिलाने और खेल खेल में भारत के बारे मे जानना यही हमारा ध्येय हैं । कृपया हमारे startup की सहायता करें।