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Tune in to 115th Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 27th October 2024

Tune in to 115th Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 27th October 2024

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Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 3 months 4 weeks ago

nxt 1000yrs up2 how currency run,is it possible if few parameter on besic values if count ¹nature protect
²human nature ³development criteria in changing aspect depend on-human & nature how run parreral
⁴in emergency cases evaluation ⁵if flexibility mark
⁶put other option open
* love the World,World Will Win U ..how *
in सनातन all invention reserch based on not damage nature & human health still how growth goes with limited editions in such aspect hurdle which country participate will equal amount equal proportionate
eg-if 4country do work 2gether but in case in any situation not all but between 2country correspondence goes equally without effect of other 2,so base r धर्म means -duty responsibility more than right/reedom need 1-Strength,2-Self,3-Art, if how 2decode if do study r old temple & it's structure u will find ans observe picture how it depicted or involve in2 1another such complicated but in result art or diagram means
Each to other,connect Either but reamin Another..

Kiran Bala_52
Kiran Bala 3 months 4 weeks ago

नमस्कार आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी,
मैं चाहती हूं कि इस बार का विषय बच्चों के गिरते मौलिक स्तर पर हो। आसपास में न केवल छोटे बच्चों बल्कि युवाओं में भी नैतिक मूल्यों की बहुत अधिक कमी पाई जा रही है जिससे समाज की हानि हो रही है कृपया इस बार इस विषय पर नागरिकों को जागरूक करें। धन्यवाद

Drshwetasingh 3 months 4 weeks ago

मैं डॉ श्वेता सिंह पानीपत निवासी 80000 बच्चों को नशा मुक्त संकल्प दिलवा चुकी हूं। नशे के खिलाफ मरते दम तक प्रयास करती रहूंगी। जब तक जीवित हूं समाज के लिए जीयूंगी मैं। युवा पीढ़ी को नशे से बचाना है। 10 किताबें प्रकाशित हो चुकी है जिसमें युवाओं की टूटी उम्मीदों को जगाना है। उनको उनके लक्ष्य तक पहुंचाना है। जब नशे से बचेंगे बच्चे,तभी भागेंगे मैराथन में बच्चे।जब रखेंगे खुद को स्वस्थ,तभी तो होगा समाज स्वच्छ।जब खेलकूद में होंगे आगे,तभी नशे में होंगे पीछे। जब होंगे नशे में आगे,तो कहां फिर होंगे खेलकूद में आगे। नशे से बचाना है तो बच्चों का ध्यान ख

SURESH KUMAR GURUSAMY 3 months 4 weeks ago

Namaste ji. Our own spritual Tradition is growing Tulsi at Houses. In only less percentage of people following the above Ancient Traditional method with more Divinity. Tulsi is a Important Medicinal plant and Good Oxygen Enhancer. Eating Tulsi leaves will reduce the cough and cold and gives immunity for Body to live in Healthy. I request Honourable PM to speak on growing Tulsi plant at all homes of Bharat People. World is facing pollution threat day by day due to Vehicles and other reasons. In recent days Delhi also facing heavy pollution due to smoke. This is the most important time to step into action by growing Tulsi. Please speak sir. Jai hind.

Rohit Sharma 1614
RohitSharma_2945 3 months 4 weeks ago

Respected PM Shri Narendra Modiji,

Request for a Ban on High-Decibel Noise-Making Fireworks During Diwali
I am writing to respectfully request the government impose a ban on high-decibel noise-making fireworks during Diwali. This measure is essential to protect the health and well-being of citizens, especially the elderly, children, and those with sensitive hearing.

The excessive noise generated by high-decibel fireworks can have severe health consequences, including hearing loss, stress, anxiety & sleep disturbances. These effects can have a significant impact on individuals quality of life & overall health

Additionally, the loud noise from fireworks can frighten animals, leading to distress & potential harm. This is particularly concerning for pets & wildlife
Diwali celebration should not come at the cost of public health & the welfare of animals

I urge you to immediately implement a ban on high-decibel noise-making fireworks during Diwali


Drshwetasingh 3 months 4 weeks ago

जब नशे से बचेंगे बच्चे,तभी भागेंगे मैराथन में बच्चे।जब रखेंगे खुद को स्वस्थ,तभी तो होगा समाज स्वच्छ।जब खेलकूद में होंगे आगे,तभी नशे में होंगे पीछे। जब होंगे नशे में आगे,तो कहां फिर होंगे खेलकूद में आगे। नशे से बचाना है तो बच्चों का ध्यान खेलकूद में जगाना होगा। जब बढ़ेगा रूझान खेलों में,तभी तो समाज आगे बढ़ेगा। भारत को स्वच्छ बनाना है,बच्चों को नशे से भटकाना है।जब बच्चे होंगे स्वस्थ, तभी होगा समाज स्वस्थ। भारत को नशा मुक्त बनाना है,भारत को स्वच्छ बनाना है। बच्चों को नशे से बचाना है,खेलकूदों में उनका मनोबल बढ़ाना है।

PABITRA DAS 3 months 4 weeks ago

Happy Dewali Sir,
"Solar Diya"
Save natural resources (oil and Ghee), Health and Environment.When Oil burn that time generate carbon dioxide also unburnt carbon which is very denger for our health and Environment.
We can touch this light in this dewali and there is no fear of fire.
This is my small innovation...
