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Tune in to 115th Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 27th October 2024

Tune in to 115th Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 27th October 2024

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SANJAY GUPTA 3 months 2 weeks ago

China से सस्ते import बऺद करने से देश का foreign currency कम खर्च होगी wealth drain भी कम होगा। क्योंकि देश से पैसा बाहर भेजने का नायाब तरीका है कि कूड़ा import कर लो फिर उसकी एवज में पैसा बाहर भेज दो

ASHUTOSHKUMAR 3 months 2 weeks ago

Here are some important topics to discuss with a prime minister:

1. Economic Policy : Plans for economic growth, job creation, and addressing inflation.

2. Healthcare : Access to quality healthcare, public health initiatives, and pandemic preparedness.

3.Education : Reforms in the education system, funding for schools, and access to higher education.

4.Climate changes : Strategies for environmental protection, renewable energy and sustainability practices.

5. Social Justice : Policies addressing inequality, discrimination, and support for marginalized communities.

6. Foreign Relations : Trade agreements, and international cooperation.

7. Infrastructure : Investments in transportation, technology, and public services.

8. National Security : Measures to ensure safety and security, including cybersecurity.

These topics can lead to productive discussions about the country’s direction and priorities.

Krishan Gopal Maheshwari 3 months 2 weeks ago

Sir Please increase retirement age from 58 to 68 We are restricting the potential of experienced citizens and making them idle. You can start pension till 58 but allow them to work. Many MNC and other industries now not taking citizens even they have skills after 54. Please do something at least for those who has talents and do not want to be dependent on Vridaashram or children No citizens aged want to be beggar. Please help

Krishan Gopal Maheshwari 3 months 2 weeks ago

Sir please make free footpaths from shops, encroachments Also please increase number of footpaths at good heights so if someone wants to walk whole India can walk on footpaths. Also please increase good maintenance regularly for all footpaths. Rain water drains should be good as too much dirty water always lying on roads

Krishan Gopal Maheshwari 3 months 2 weeks ago

Sir Please do something to stop marketing and spam calls and SMS and email and WhatsApp marketing messages. Please make India free from this rubbish jobs. Please help. Too much repeated one after another early morning to late night midnight disturbing our life and increasing anger in society please help.

IGXXXXXXIO 3 months 2 weeks ago

मोदी जी नमस्ते,

मैं आपको यह कहना चाहती हूँ कि योग दिवस इक्कीस जून को मनाया जाता है, लेकिन लोगों को योग सीखने के लिए पैसे खर्च करने पड़ते हैं। मैं चाहती हूँ कि आप लोगों को निशुल्क योग शिक्षा देने के लिए कार्यक्रम आयोजित करें।

_विषय:_ योग दिवस को रोजाना के लिए मनाने के लिए कार्यक्रम


- भारतीय योग संस्थान और पार्कों में निशुल्क योग शिक्षा देने के लिए कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए जाएं।
- एक मेटा एआई पोर्टल या वेबसाइट बनाई जाए, जहाँ लोग अपने क्षेत्र के अनुसार योग सीखने के लिए रजिस्टर कर सकें।
- लोगों को योगाचार्यों के संपर्क नंबर दिए जाएं ताकि वे उनसे संपर्क कर सकें।


- लोगों को निशुल्क योग शिक्षा देने के लिए।
- लोगों का शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार करने के लिए।


- लोगों को निशुल्क योग शिक्षा मिलेगी।
- लोगों का शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार होगा।
- समाज में योग के प्रति जागरूकता बढ़ेग

swethakan3@gmail.com 3 months 2 weeks ago

11. Since government is encouraging startups or doing ease of business we can see innovative services in our routines. Like service based startup like cleaning, house chores or other services we can see. Similarly eco friendly innovations like bamboo products innovation, jute material, other organic materials helps or fights for better environment. It is really good one. We have young knowledge with more ideas. Only when we support or motivate we can bring the goodness. It is good that our people are innovating eco friendly products, good services etc. We have to progress in required areas towards global goodness, go green , clean India etc. We can try to avoid plastics in possible ways and can try to use eco materials. Good for people, environment and living things.

JOHAN DHANAKUMAR 3 months 2 weeks ago

Most Respected PMJI
Vanakkam. My humble suggestions are as under:
1) Life threatening and deadly diseases such as TB.Leprosy need to be tackled on a war footing
2) Kindly consider providing a couple of goats or a few poultry birds to the women in hilly areas to sustain their livelihoods.
3) In spite of taking deterrent action to eliminate drug menace, the unlawful activity still continues. It will be ideal to have a separate Ministry of State under the Union Home Ministry so that greater focus can be given to totally immobilise the smugglers and uproot their clandestine network.
4) Installation of solar panels and water harvesting structures can be made mandatory for all new buildings in private and government sectors.
5) Kindly issue an advisory to the UGC and the Union Ministry of Education to take immediate action for the regularisation of services of all temporary and guest faculty who possess P.hd and are serving in various Universities and colleges for more than ten years.

swethakan3@gmail.com 3 months 2 weeks ago

10. Like " Y break " app, if we have vegetables and fruits benefits app, it will help in handy. Just thought about that. Generally disease medicines will work with diets. Ayurveda also suggests that. Similarly alopathy dietician also suggests. We can create a handy app like vegetable and fruits benefits or diets for various diseases etc. The app will help handy and betterment for all. It can be universal.