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Create a Slogan for Accessible India Campaign

Accessibility is the key to inclusion and equal access for people with disabilities. An accessible barrier-free environment is the first step towards fulfilling the right of people ...
Accessibility is the key to inclusion and equal access for people with disabilities. An accessible barrier-free environment is the first step towards fulfilling the right of people with disabilities to participate in all areas of community life.
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment has launched “Accessible India Campaign (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan)” as a nation-wide flagship campaign for achieving universal accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). The campaign targets at enhancing the accessibility ofbuilt environment, transport system and Information and Communication (ICT) eco-system.
As part of built environment accessibility, the campaign will focus on improving the accessibility of physical environment that is open to the public such as by installing ramps in buildings, having accessible toilets and accessible parking among other things. The campaign aims to enhance the accessibility of public transportation by making railway stations, bus stops, buses, trains and airports accessible. Also, the campaign envisions to enhance the accessibility of public websites, documents and television programmes.
DEPwD invites all citizens to participate in slogan/tagline competition. The prize-winning as well as shortlisted entries ofphotographs will be used by DEPwD for promotional and display purposes on the department’s website/social media channels such as twitter, Instagram and Facebook, blog andprinted material such as press releases or for any other use as may be deemed appropriate for Accessible India Campaign.
Theme for slogan/tagline contest: Accessible India Campaign has its three pillars – built environment, public transportation and ICT eco-system. Each participant can submit slogans/taglinesfor their respective state/city for the campaign on the theme of accessibility and the three pillars of the campaign.
All the entries must be submitted online through www.mygov.in No other medium of submission will be accepted.
Last date for submission is 11th December 2015
The participants must mention the following details with their submission:
1. Name
2. Father/Mother name
3. Full Address
4. Age
5. Contact number
Entries with incomplete profiles will not be considered.
1) First Prize - INR15,000
2) Second Prize – INR 10,000
Click here for Terms and Conditions.
tagline for accessible india campaign
Please find here my submission of slogan - reg
“My Legs have wheels, I walk the ramp”
Description – Walking the ramp is considered to be a privilege for models and celebrities to honour special occasions. Persons with disabilities move around on wheel chairs and need accessible places with ramp to ease their movement. Through the slogan I am elevating the status of the disabled at par with the extreme privileged society people to boost their morale and make them proud of what they are and about their abilities.
"सक्षम प्रणाली सुलभ हो संचार
सुगम्य भारत हो जाए साकार "
TAGLINE - “ सुलभता की एक सक्षम प्रणाली“
संक्षिप्तविश्लेषण -यंहा मेरा नारा (SLOGAN)तथा TAGLINE दोनों "सुगम्य भारत अभियान "के तीन स्तंभों - निर्माणपर्यावरण,परिवहनप्रणाली और सूचना - संचार इनको अभिप्रेत करताहै।विकलांग लोगों को सक्षम करके एक ऐसी प्रणाली हो जहा सुलभ और बाधा मुक्त वातावरण हो।उन्हें हर क्षेत्र में बराबर का मौका मिले और सूचना- संचार के अभियान को बढ़ावा मिले ताकि एक "सुगम्य भारत अभियान "सफल हो जाए।
Name: Durga Prasad Bonthu
Father Name: Late Bonthu Guru Murthy
Full Address: Door No 8-6, Canal Road, Indrapalem, Kakinada, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. PIN Code: 533006
Age: 29 Years
Contact # +91 9985793979
Email ID: bonthudurgaprasad@gmail.com
(File Attached)