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Design a logo for the ‘Namami Gange Program’

Start Date :
Nov 30, 2014
Last Date :
Dec 19, 2014
18:30 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission called “Namami Gange” has been proposed in the 2014-15 budget. Namami Gange approaches Ganga Rejuvenation by consolidating the ...

Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission called “Namami Gange” has been proposed in the 2014-15 budget. Namami Gange approaches Ganga Rejuvenation by consolidating the existing ongoing efforts and aims at Aviral& Nirmal Dharaof RiverGanga.

About the proposed Program: Namami GangeIntegrated Ganga Conservation Mission has been announced as an Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission in the Union Budget of 2014-15 with the aim of Ganga Rejuvenation i.e., restoration of the wholesomeness of the holy river.

River Ganga is considered is an asset for India as it has supported the human civilization from time immemorial. Enormous flora and fauna like fishes (several species), Alligators, Otters, and Gangetic Dolphins depend on the river for their existence. At the same time, the river also holds immense religious and cultural significance in India.

In order to address complicated issues like Wastewater treatment, Industrial Pollution abatement, River Front Development and Solid Waste Management, several schemes are already in implementation stage; meanwhile some additional schemes like development of Ghats, Insitu treatment of Drains, rehabilitation of sewerage system, Ganga Task Force, Action Plan for Char Dham Yatra, Afforestation and Conservation of Aquatic life, safe disposal of flowers and other puja material, assessment of special properties of water, public participation etc. have also been proposed. Looking at the voluminous challenges in the path of Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India has come up with a new initiative called ‘Namami Gange’. Various ministries are working together to arrive at a common strategy and action plan to realize the vision of Rejuvenated Ganga. Key ministries working together for this cause are Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Urban Development, Environment Forests & Climate Change, Drinking Water & Sanitation, Rural Development, Power, Agriculture, Shipping, Tourism, Culture and the State Governments.

In addition to the Ganga main stem, 11 states of India which forms the entire Ganga basin, will also be covered to achieve this goal. Ganga River Basin Management Plan is being prepared by a consortium of 7 IITs and will specifically cover issues of Aviral and Nirmal Dhara; which means continuous and unpolluted flow of River Ganga.

At the policy level area of concerns are Zero Liquid Discharge from Industries, River Regulatory Zones ( on the basis of  Delineated flood plains), E-flow, Hydro power projects- restoration of natural flow, Guidelines for protection of native species and bio diversity, Revised guidelines on scientific sand mining,  and Alternate irrigation methods in critical areas.

The support and participation of the public is the call of the day considering the enormous nature of this task. Therefore, it is desired that individuals and communities from different parts of India and abroad should come forward and make whole-hearted contributions in the terms of money (Clean Ganga Fund) and/or manpower for the cause of Clean Ganga Mission.

In the process of involving people and better Public participation this will be the first step towards our common and noble goal of Aviral and Nirmal Ganga.

Namami Gange!

Citizens are invited to submit a Logo for the Namami Gange Program and win prizes.

Last Date of Submission is 31st December, 2014.

The winning entry will be awarded a cash prize of:

1. First Prize - Rs. 50,000/-
2. Second Prize - Rs. 25,000/-
3. Third Prize - Rs. 20,000/-

Please click here for more information on Terms & Conditions, Technical Parameters and Evaluation Criteria.

Moderator for the task:

Mohd Najeeb Ahsan
National Mission for Clean Ganga (MOWR, RD&GR),
E-Mail ID: najeeb_ahsan@yahoo.com

Under Review
Showing 592 Submission(s)
HEMA LATHA 9 years 8 months ago

description of logo : circle represents wholeness of INDIAN efforts of 120 crore citizens under breezes of tricolour flag taking oath of conserving ganga.

Narendran C 9 years 8 months ago

I am happy to design logo for "Namami Gange" Programme. If any suggestion /corrections, I am ready to work for it..

Ashu Thakur 9 years 8 months ago

In the center, A water drop has been shown indicating a person joining hands to worship Divine Ganga River and the Circle in-between indicates head of that person as well as the sun. Snow covered mountains has been shown in the background to show the Origin of Ganga River. At the bottom Ganga River Water has been shown with a Temple, Ghat and a Building shown at both Sides to indicate Good measures taken by this Scheme to protect the religious value of this river and to show rural development.

Ravi Ojha 9 years 8 months ago

'नमामि गंगे' इस Logo में बीच के जल का मतलब माँ गंगा की 'धारा' है और उनकी धारा को घेरे हुए दो हथेलियाँ मां भारती के सवा अरब सपूतों के हाथ का चिन्ह है .......

RAGHUVEER PAWAR 9 years 8 months ago

Theme: River Ganga seeking for help. Ancient Ganga is polluted due to industrial waste, religious rituals & cremation. Creatively illustrated hands put together for ‘Namaskara’ resembles mountains. Black & white streams represents industrial pollution & pollution due to rituals. Appealing part of the design is that, river flow converted into hands is seeking for help. Punchline: Sadiyon ki Pehchan Lautayen, Chalo Ganga ka Jeevan Bachayen.

BHOGI RAM T S 9 years 8 months ago

Namami Gange Logo Design 5th entry , i can make it as flat colored logo also thank you for given opportunity to work for Indian government
