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Design a Logo, Suggest the Project Name and Tagline for FCI Depot Online System

Design a Logo, Suggest the Project Name and Tagline for FCI Depot Online System
Start Date :
Mar 05, 2015
Last Date :
Mar 26, 2015
17:00 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Food Corporation of India (FCI) is one of the premier organizations of the Government of India set-up under the Food Corporations Act, 1964 in order to fulfill the following ...

Food Corporation of India (FCI) is one of the premier organizations of the Government of India set-up under the Food Corporations Act, 1964 in order to fulfill the following objectives of the Food Policy:

• Effective price support operations to safeguard the interests of the farmers.
• Storage, Preservation and Supply of food grains throughout the country for public distribution system and other Government of India schemes and
• Maintaining a satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of food grains to ensure National Food Security.

FCI has been entrusted with the responsibility of execution of the Food Policies of the Government of India in the areas of procurement, storage, movement and distribution of food grains. FCI has approximately 1841 owned and hired depots (CWC/SWC etc.). FCI intends to develop & implement Depot online system across all the depots to automate and streamline the various depot level operations and processes.

Hence, it is envisioned to seek submissions from citizens on logo, tagline and project name for the proposed Depot Online System.

The total prize money for winning Project name, Logo and Tagline is Rs. 5000/-.

Last Date of Submission is 26th March, 2015 (5:00 p.m IST).

Please click here for more information on:

Terms and Conditions

About Depot Online System

Moderator for the task

Kumar Vikram,
PWC (Consultant),
Email Id: kumar.vikram@in.pwc.com

Under Review
Showing 484 Submission(s)
POOJA KUMARI 9 years 10 months ago

My logo for the FCI Depot system depicts arrows in tricolor-a digital symbol ,FCI mark in the form of green leaves and FCI motive is shown in the form of bowl which describes the PDS and farmer’s interest is also shown .The name of the project is IDA which is a Sanskrit word for food and can be abbreviated as INDIAN ONLINE DEPOT FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE .The tagline for the project is JAN-JAN KA ANNA.

fci1 logo
Naveen Kumar V_1
Naveen Kumar V_1 9 years 10 months ago

Project Name1 : Desh ka Seeds
TagLine: Sarve Jana Sukinobhavantu...

Project Name2: IndianFood
TagLine: Bharath ka Seeds

Suggested # Tags: #DS #IF

Logo 4_1
Vishal Dixit_1
Vishal Dixit_1 9 years 10 months ago

govt. should start some engagement programs for Farmer, so that they can change their monotonous life. they have very good ideas and resources to keep our food secure & safe.

i have one request pls do the direct involvement with small farmers. they are not getting which govt. announcing, pls do not depend on BABUs.

Vishal Dixit_1
Vishal Dixit_1 9 years 10 months ago

First our government should focus on the Farmers conditions. without them we can not even think about the FCI depot. making things online is good idea but at least involve farmers as well to get the idea .

Sudeep Biswas
Sudeep Biswas 9 years 10 months ago

Dear Sir,
Name of project : eANAJ-BHANDARAN
Caption/Tagline: Anaj ki suraksha, Desh ki suraksha
The logo is print friendly with 2 colors.
It can be printed in both offset or screen print.
The logo symbolizes - warehousing, digital system, safety/preservation of Agricultural Yield.
