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eGreetings Design Contest for Promoting Healthy Lifestyle

eGreetings Design Contest for Promoting Healthy Lifestyle
Start Date :
Mar 20, 2017
Last Date :
Apr 22, 2017
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed



India is experiencing a rapid health transition with a rising burden of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Common NCDs such as cardio vascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, cancer and respiratory diseases account for major portion of mortality and morbidity due to NCDs. It is estimated that NCDs account for 60% of total deaths in India. The good thing however is that all these diseases are preventable through making a choice for healthy lifestyle.

There are common preventable behavioural risk factors of NCDs such as tobacco & alcohol use, physically inactive lifestyle, a diet high in sugar, trans-fats and salt inter-alia. Unhealthy lifestyle increases the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) and increased blood glucose level. It is recommended that a healthy lifestyle can prevent onset of the above mentioned diseases.


We want you to design eGreetings that promote healthy living and wellbeing of individuals. The designs should incorporate elements that show healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, physical activities etc.

Main Theme: Adopting healthy lifestyle to prevent occurrence of disease like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, cardio vascular diseases, stroke and respiratory diseases.

Sub-Themes: You have to prepare an e-greeting incorporating healthy lifestyle practices. You can choose any one, more than one or all of the themes from the following:
• Healthy lifestyle practices
• Eating healthy
• Being physically active and fit
• Screening for early detection of diseases

Language: Hindi and/or English

A7 (envelope) size in digital format

Last Date
21st April, 2017

One FIRST Prize – Rs.25000/-
Two SECOND Prizes – Rs.15000/-  

Click here to read the Terms and Conditions, Technical Parameters and Evaluation Criteria

Under Review
Showing 32 Submission(s)
swati Kesarwani 7 years 9 months ago

My poster describes ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. such as one should be physically active, practice yoga, drink plenty of water eat fresh fruits and vegetables etc.

Salil Bhatia
Salil Bhatia 7 years 9 months ago

A catchy e-greeting to promote healthy lifestyle. To give your heart a healthy beat by eating right, staying active and enjoy a disease free healthy lifestyle. #MoHFW #NPCDCS #NCD

Kshitiz Mor
Kshitiz Mor 7 years 9 months ago

The invitation is designed in simplistic manner,
It has a red circle consisting of all unhealthy stuff, which represents that these unhealthy stuff tries to bind you and kill you.
But once you EAT, BREATH, and EXERCISE(stay fit), you will be healthy forever, and there is no binding, you are free to all bounds.
So in the end, its YOUR choice, What do you want to choose?? -Healthy/Unhealthy?
So what say?
#eGreetingsContest #HealthyIndia #MoHFW #MyGov #NPCDCS

Manoj Kumar_2145
Manoj Kumar 7 years 9 months ago

I have used Yoga as the prime focus of a healthy body. As it is mentioned in the Bhagwad Gita, Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self. Yoga, from the ancient times has been considered as the key to staying fit and active. While yoga is the focal point, activities such as cycling, playing sports, protein-rich healthy diet, jogging etc act as a catalyst for being physically active
A healthy mind is as important as a healthy body. Hence, yoga, along with physical activities

VINITA VASU 7 years 9 months ago

Designer : Vinita Vasu
Email : vinitavasuartist@gmail.com
Phone : 9910022086
Format : JPG
" Eat Healthy, Be Active, Be Happy."
