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eGreetings Design Contest for Promoting Healthy Lifestyle

eGreetings Design Contest for Promoting Healthy Lifestyle
Start Date :
Mar 20, 2017
Last Date :
Apr 22, 2017
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed



India is experiencing a rapid health transition with a rising burden of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Common NCDs such as cardio vascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, cancer and respiratory diseases account for major portion of mortality and morbidity due to NCDs. It is estimated that NCDs account for 60% of total deaths in India. The good thing however is that all these diseases are preventable through making a choice for healthy lifestyle.

There are common preventable behavioural risk factors of NCDs such as tobacco & alcohol use, physically inactive lifestyle, a diet high in sugar, trans-fats and salt inter-alia. Unhealthy lifestyle increases the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) and increased blood glucose level. It is recommended that a healthy lifestyle can prevent onset of the above mentioned diseases.


We want you to design eGreetings that promote healthy living and wellbeing of individuals. The designs should incorporate elements that show healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, physical activities etc.

Main Theme: Adopting healthy lifestyle to prevent occurrence of disease like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, cardio vascular diseases, stroke and respiratory diseases.

Sub-Themes: You have to prepare an e-greeting incorporating healthy lifestyle practices. You can choose any one, more than one or all of the themes from the following:
• Healthy lifestyle practices
• Eating healthy
• Being physically active and fit
• Screening for early detection of diseases

Language: Hindi and/or English

A7 (envelope) size in digital format

Last Date
21st April, 2017

One FIRST Prize – Rs.25000/-
Two SECOND Prizes – Rs.15000/-  

Click here to read the Terms and Conditions, Technical Parameters and Evaluation Criteria

Under Review
Showing 32 Submission(s)
Abhishek Raj_113
Abhishek Raj 7 years 10 months ago

A healthy family needs healthy habits. This greeting demonstrates the quality of such a family that inculcates these best practices to remain fit and prevent the occurrence of various non-communicable diseases. In fact, such a habit gives the blessings of nature to stay immune to these diseases. This becomes the foundation of a happy family and a prosperous society.

Nimisha Aggarwal_2
Nimisha Aggarwal 7 years 10 months ago

The eGreeting tells that when people water their tree of life with healthy

lifestyle through exercise, regular medical checkup, eating fruits and

vegetables, getting Vitamin D from sunlight, drinking more water, saying no to

junk food and smoking,yoga and being happy they become healthy who make a

healthy society and country.

Aastha Goyal_1
Aastha Goyal 7 years 10 months ago

Reduce the major risk factors for noncommunicable diseases – tobacco, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, etc. and follow healthy activities like exercise daily, stop smoking, eat healthy food, etc. to prevent diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart problems, etc. and stay healthy and fit.

navin silawat
navin silawat 7 years 10 months ago

This design is indicate healthy india,fit india.this greeting card shows do yoga and stay health.

George Macwan
George Macwan 7 years 10 months ago

Of course we all love to eat tasty food. However, it is also important whether the so called tasty food is keeping us healthy and long live, the answer is no. Every now and then we feel stomach discomfort happen to have several health disorders received because of our wrong eating habits.
