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Essay Writing Competition for Smart City Shivamogga

Essay Writing Competition for Smart City Shivamogga
Start Date :
Sep 28, 2015
Last Date :
Oct 31, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

For making Shivamogga City as SMART CITY all Citizens or Stakeholders are invited to participate in Essay Writing Competition. ...

For making Shivamogga City as SMART CITY all Citizens or Stakeholders are invited to participate in Essay Writing Competition.

Your Essay to have following templates:

1. Topic (Max 25 Words)

2. What is Top Priority Area/Idea for Making Shivamogga City as Smart city (in Max 150 Words)

3. Why is it important for city (Shivamogga City)? (Max 150 Word)

4. What is your smart solution to implement your Idea (Max 200 Words)

The Top 5 Essays will be awarded as:

a) 1st Prize(One)– Cash Incentive of Rs. 25000 /- (Twenty five Thousand only)

b) 2nd Prize(One) – Cash Incentive of Rs.20000 /- (Twenty Thousand only)

c) 3rd Prize(One) – Cash Incentive of Rs. 15000 /- (Fifteen Thousand only)

d) 4th Prize(One) – Cash Incentive of Rs. 10000 /- (Ten Thousand only)

e) 5th Prize (Six)– Cash Incentive of Rs. 5000 /- (Five Thousand only) each.

The Competition shall be closed on 30th October, 2015.

Terms and Conditions

1. The winner shall be chosen on the basis of Innovative and Actionable idea and creativity.

2. The decision of Shivamogga City Corporation for selecting the winner shall be treated as Final.

Under Review
Showing 96 Submission(s)
SHRILAKSHMI RAGHU 8 years 10 months ago

needs to be extended and organised properly which will give a city a smart look.
* The smart city, I feel should have the 'Fair & lovely' smartness and at the same time it should also cater to the needs of the people. One such important thing to be noted here is the Open Drainage System with untolerable smell and breeding mosquitoes in it. All such drainages should be closed in every area. In smart city let the health factor play dominant role.
* The most important factor in a smart city is

SHRILAKSHMI RAGHU 8 years 10 months ago

people have due respect for this city. Any city can look smart if all these areas are taken care of very meticulously.
* I feel, Lots of greenary around should be given first priority. This should be in the form of setting up and beautifying parks in every area because everyday one cannot walk upto Gandhi park for fresh air. The parks should be maintained well.
*The next would be trafic. Set up digital boards with area names in every signal, this help the newcommers. The parking space also

SHRILAKSHMI RAGHU 8 years 10 months ago

Man from times immortal has been striving for new inventions and discoveries in order to make his life confortable.The present situation has knocked every indian mind with a revolution called SWATCH BHARATH which means smart city only.A smart city can happen only when it is clean. In democratic india , people have so far made extensive use of fundamental rights ignoring their fundamental duties.Every city speaks of historical background and rich culture. Shimoga is not behind and even today

Aishwarya_43 8 years 10 months ago

Smartcityis agoodidea ofgov smartcity must suituate outsidescity cinstructing city insidethetown cancauseseveral damageby extendingroads.drinagre,and someseveralcause outsidesmartcitycanhave all the facilite,smartcity isimportant because it helps uslike constructing.it.bt.companys hereit is a tourismplace etc our idea tomakesufficeny for people and moreover smartplansuffesient money plan workersetc by here than smart citycan make shimoga smart allfacilite like apartment schools,water.electric

manjunatha k r
manjunatha k r 8 years 10 months ago

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Pradeepa S
Pradeepa S 8 years 10 months ago

Earlier i thought 15/Oct/2015 is the last date to submit essay so i sent my proposal in hurry. Now i'm sending Improved version of my essay "Shivamogga an Eco Friendly, Technology driven, Safe, Highly Productive and Self Sustainable Smart City". I covered all possible issues with solution and improvements needed for shimoga. Kindly look into the PDF attached