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Logo design competition for Madhya Pradesh State Resident Data Hub

Logo design competition for Madhya Pradesh State Resident Data Hub
Start Date :
Dec 29, 2015
Last Date :
Jan 11, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Madhya Pradesh State Electronic Development Corporation (MPSEDC) invites all citizens to participate in the Logo design competition for “Madhya Pradesh State Resident Data Hub” ...

Madhya Pradesh State Electronic Development Corporation (MPSEDC) invites all citizens to participate in the Logo design competition for “Madhya Pradesh State Resident Data Hub” or “MP SRDH”.

MP SRDH is a comprehensive portal for managing demographic (Name, Gender, Age, Photograph and Address) as well as uses the UIDAI biometric information for facilitating “Unique ID” based identity authentication. MP SRDH is an exclusive source of information on state residents and will be integrated with departmental applications for the purpose of availing Government Welfare Scheme benefits.

All residents may upload their respective logos on the www.mygov.in website under Creative Corner.


1. Winner’s Prize: Rs 10,000/- (Ten Thousand only)
2. The winning logo can be adopted by MPSEDC as an official logo for MP SRDH Portal.

Terms and Conditions

1. Minimum Size of Logo: 1” X 1” (I inch wide by 1 inch high)
2. Last Day for submission of entries is 10th January, 2016.
3. Logo shall not use any material (Photograph, icon, symbol etc.) that is copyright protected.

* MPSEDC reserves the right to select the prize winners and to use the logo as the official logo for MP SRDH Portal.

Under Review
Showing 131 Submission(s)
Sudarshan Mukati
Sudarshan Mukati 9 years 2 months ago

The logo is very simple with unique information about some unique identification of the people.
Blue colour giving emotions of 'TRUST' 'DEPENDABLE' AND 'STRENGTH'

Name-Sudarshan Mukati
Mob, No. 08982363501
Email id-smsudarshanmukati@gmail.com
Indore (MP)

Anvay Choudhary
Anvay Choudhary 9 years 2 months ago

Anvay Choudhary
Please find the attached logo.
The P has been designed such that it represents a resident and also represents small r.
The design above h represents hub.
Overall the logo echoes the objective of MPSRDH.
