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Logo Design Contest for PATIENTS SAFETY-INDIA

Logo Design Contest for PATIENTS SAFETY-INDIA
Start Date :
Nov 04, 2024
Last Date :
Nov 29, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in collaboration with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi, is instituting a Patient Safety Secretariat aimed ...

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in collaboration with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi, is instituting a Patient Safety Secretariat aimed at enhancing and standardizing patient safety protocols across healthcare institutions throughout India. This initiative seeks to consolidate efforts to identify, implement, and promote best practices in patient safety, thereby ensuring improved health outcomes and fostering a culture of safety within the nation's healthcare system. Through this strategic partnership, the Secretariat will serve as a pivotal resource in addressing challenges and advancing initiatives that prioritize the well-being of patients across diverse medical settings.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare & All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in collaboration with MyGov hosting a Logo Design Contest for PATIENTS SAFETY-INDIA inviting creative minds to submit original logo designs that encapsulate the theme of patient safety.

Design specifications:
1. Designs should be original. They should reflect the theme of “Patient Safety”.
2. You can use any colors and symbols, but they should have a meaning.
3. Participants are advised to avoid gradients and half-tones.
4. The logo must be visually appealing on both small (as small as 2cm X 2cm) and large scale.
5. Entries must be submitted as JPEG or PNG files
6. Logos should be simple, versatile, and memorable.
7. Logo must be easy to use, handle, resize, and manipulate for all reproduction purposes.

1. The winning entry will receive a cash award of ₹ 5,000/-
2. The runner-up will receive a cash award of ₹ 2,500/-

Click here for Terms and Conditions PDF - 124 KB

Under Review
Showing 12 Submission(s)
GautamDatta 4 days 1 hour ago

Name : Gautam Datta
Email : business.soumita@gmail.com
phn 9830841097

The logo features a green and orange circle intertwined, symbolizing harmony and care. A blue figure of a person, representing the patient, stands at the center. A white plus sign overlays the figure, signifying health and safety, with the colors conveying trust, energy, and well-being.

AnindyaBhattacharyya 4 days 1 hour ago

Name : Anindya Bhattacharyya
Phn No. :- 8657864920
Email : hoye.otha.gaan@gmail.com

The "Patients Safety India" logo features a blue plus sign, symbolizing health and care, with a figure of a person. The person's arms are positioned like clock hands, representing 24/7 patient safety. The design incorporates a blue effect and orange accents, conveying warmth, urgency, and constant availability.

RajatNegi 4 days 1 hour ago

इस डिज़ाइन में प्रभावशाली तरीके से रोगी सुरक्षा के महत्व को  प्रभावी ढंग से बताता है डिजाइन में ऐसे तत्व शामिल है जो सुरक्षा देखभाल और विश्वास का प्रतीक है। इसमें caduceus भी है जो उपचार और चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में काफी प्रसिद्ध है। इसमें cauduceus के बगल में प्लस साइन भी है, जो चिकित्सा क्षेत्र में काम आते हैं।

Roshmi Nath 4 days 2 hours ago

Name: Roshmi Rekha Nath
email: roshminath11@gmail.com
Mobile: 6001698874
My logo for the patient safety theme derives relationship between patient and health workers. White hands on top and bottom symbolise peaceful care for patient and green means energy here. Blue meaning enthusiasm and determination and plus means positive thinking of heart and soul that makes patient positive attitude to cure itself.

VINAYDOGRA 4 days 3 hours ago

Name: Vinay Dogra; Email: vinaydogra008@gmail.com; Mobile No. 9999067634. The patient safety logo in Hindi is a visually striking emblem designed to promote awareness and commitment to patient safety within healthcare settings. This logo features a harmonious blend of colors and symbols that resonate with the cultural context of Hindi-speaking populations, ensuring that the message of safety is both accessible and impactful.

Tanmoydebnath 4 days 3 hours ago

Concept Ideas for "Patient Safety" Theme:

1. Symbolism:

A shield to represent protection and safety.

Hands forming a heart or holding a figure to symbolize care and support.

A cross for healthcare combined with safety symbols.

A lotus or wheel to give an Indian cultural touch.

2. Colors:

Green for health and healing.

Blue for trust and safety.

Red for urgency and care (used sparingly to avoid signaling danger).

White for purity and clarity.

3. Typography:

Clean, sans-serif fonts

Reehan 4 days 4 hours ago

Name:Shaik Reehan
phone number:9603477520
email: rizwana96034@gmail.com
The patient safety INDIA is important to all the Indians because the patients safety is depends upon a doctor .The patients safety is the main aim of this.
