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Logo Designing Competition for MEA’s State Division’s Website

States Division, MEA invites entries from interested persons for logo of States Division, proposed to be used in the Division's micro-site. In order to have a clear understanding ...
States Division, MEA invites entries from interested persons for logo of States Division, proposed to be used in the Division's micro-site. In order to have a clear understanding of the requirement of the logo, a brief background of States Division in MEA including inter-alia the functions and objectives of the Division are outlined below:
"States Division was created in the Ministry of External Affairs in October 2014 with the aim of achieving effective coordination with States and Union Territories in furtherance of their efforts to promote exports, tourism and attract more overseas investment and expertise. The objective of the Division is facilitation of efforts between our Mission/Post(s) and Governments of States/Union Territories as well as foreign diplomatic and trade missions in India, for all round development of States. It also aims to assist States and Union Territories by sharing with them, where required, this Ministry’s experience and expertise through training and capacity building in areas relating to their external affiliations. The Division aims to promote the outreach of the States of India with the external world and to that effect promotes, coordinates, connects and facilitates activities of States in the domain of trade, investment, tourism, cultural outreach with the external world. The States Division also promotes twinning arrangements at provincial level with the provinces and sub-regions of foreign countries to further enhance bilateral relations.
With a view to expand its outreach and accessibility, States Division is developing an official micro-website portal as a one-stop platform for Missions/State Governments and foreign stakeholders. The micro-site will be hyperlinked to the parent website of MEA and would include latest facts about the Division, detailed scope of work of the division, quick contacts, social media links of the division, relevant information on state government, photo gallery and progress page as its essential features. The micro site will also be used for posting factual developments coordinated by States Division and its initiatives taken to assist investment, trade, culture, tourism, diaspora matters and relief operations/evacuations etc.
Creation of a logo for States Division shall help in establishing its own distinct identity. It would provide a digital imprint for the Division that would be used on the independent website for the Division, when it becomes functional.
Submission of Entries:
• The last date for accepting entries is 30th June, 2017.
• The design should be the original work of the participant(s) and must not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.
• An entry could be an individual or a team project.
• Every entry should be accompanied by a brief written explanation of the Design and how it best symbolizes the States Division, MEA.
• Each participant can submit no more than one entry.
Click here to read Guidelines, Technical Parameters, Conditions and Selection Process
To design a logo for Ministry of External Affairs (MEA)States Division to give a new brand Identity. The basic keywords for the design are Unity, Trust and Friendliness
National Emblem- India as a whole represents infinity, acceleration and integrity
The circular shape- portrays the supreme power of India
surrounded bigger and smaller circles - states and union territories respectively
lines-link between the central ministry and the divisions
Triangle- the process of development and marks the national
emotional and the spiritual unity. symbol of Delta - hence a doorway for outshining in the outer world
logo is an epitome of flourished India
The two people shaking hands symbolises the relation of trade between India and foreign countries. The briefcase in the back pictures about the item or goods being traded from one country to the another. It creates a sense of friendlyhood between our neighbouring countries.#MEA #MyGov #LogoDesignContest
In my logo, micro site connects with india with india map and with world as image of globe and lion image (make in India) depicts that our aim is to be self sufficient and thus develop as exporting nation, plant symbolises tourism and coin like circle depicts investment ..#MEA #MyGov #LogoDesignContest
Logo constitute the globe represent the world and the three colour(tri colour) represent Indian perspective.
This logo draws heavily on symbolism. This is a tiger (instead of the normal lion) studded on the Ashok Stambh. The tiger has a single horn, antlers, and a mane, signifying the national animal (hence, the centre) supporting the essence of the state animals (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Gujrat). Balanced on the Arunachal Gayal's horns is a globe, signifying how the state and the center are linked to the countries of the world. The Ashok Stambh signifies the authority of the entire system as Indian.
Logo for the development for all the states in India
Logo Submitted for Event "Logo Designing Competition for MEA’s State Division’s Website"
Submitted by- Prasenjit Boro
#LogoDesignContest ; The logo best represnts the MEA and State divisions motives and work. The elements in the logo represnt (from west to south) tourism,trade investment and expertise,export, and culture respectively. And the arrows show bilateral relationship between states of india and union territories with the rest of the world.
In the Logo 29 defines our 29 states.The 3 color boxes reflect our territories.The circle means world.The arrows and plane means International relationship.The 29 states make a relationship on territories.Each state can make direct relationship with other countries.The foreign relationship defines through arrows and plane.