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Poster Designing Competition for a Healthy Lifestyle

India is experiencing a rapid health transition with a rising burden of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Common NCDs such as cardio vascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, cancer and respiratory diseases account for major portion of mortality and morbidity due to NCDs. It is estimated that NCDs account for 60% of total deaths in India. The good thing however is that all these diseases are preventable through making a choice for healthy lifestyle.
There are common preventable behavioural risk factors of NCDs such as tobacco & alcohol use, physically inactive lifestyle, a diet high in sugar, trans-fats and salt inter-alia. Unhealthy lifestyle increases the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) and increased blood glucose level. It is recommended that a healthy lifestyle can prevent onset of the above mentioned diseases.
NCDs are chronic in nature and may require long term treatment or management. For effective management of these diseases, early diagnosis becomes an essential component therefore management of preventable risk factors and frequent screening for early diagnosis of these diseases are key strategies for effective prevention and management of common NCDs.
We want your participation in raising awareness about the Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) or as we call them - the lifestyle diseases and how simple changes in our current style of day to day living can save us from disease like cancer, diabetes, hypertension and poor oral health. And you can do this by designing a POSTER, which promotes the theme provided below.
Main Theme: Adopting healthy lifestyle to prevent occurrence of disease like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, cardio vascular diseases, stroke and respiratory diseases.
Sub-Themes: You have to prepare a Poster incorporating healthy lifestyle practices. You can choose any one, more than one or all of the themes from the following:
• Healthy lifestyle practices
• Eating healthy
• Being physically active and fit
• Screening for early detection of diseases
Language: Hindi and/or English
A4 size in digital format
Last Date
21st April, 2017
One FIRST Prize – Rs.25000/-
Two SECOND Prizes – Rs.15000/-
Click here to read the Terms and Conditions, Technical Parameters and Evaluation Criteria
The walking smoKING of the Dead.
Healthy Lifestyle, is a lifestyle which includes eating healthy and living healthy. One must never compromise to eat healthy. So live healthy, live longer.
Poster for healthier lifestyle
This poster insists the prevention of Non Communicable Diseases. To successfully reach the ship ( healthier life), the man has to escape from the shark (bad habits).
A decision that the nation has to make !
Poster Designing for healthy lifestyle
This poster is about an awareness to prevent NCD (Non Communicable Diseases). In this poster the seeds represent root causes for NCDs. The sapling represents the risk factors which then results in NCDs which is represented as the next stage of sapling (tree).
Poster is on how NCD's like diabetes, hypertension, stroke, cancer and other respiratory diseases, caused due to obesity, high BP, high cholesterol level, inactive lifestyle and alcohol and tobacco consumption, can be prevented by following simple healthy lifestyle practices.
the doctor recommends that one should eat healthy food rather than junk food for your safe and healthy living
Health is a state of complete harmony of mind, body and spirit.If you have health, you can have all the happiness in the world. in this modern world we have no time to think and pave a path to healthy living. my poster describes a busy running man of today and chalk out a path for him leading to a healthy lifestyle. it gives a message to 'take road to a healthy lifestyle and avoid and easy fast food way because this is the demand of coming time and generations.
A catchy poster to promote healthy lifestyle depicting organic veggies (in the form of O and K) kicking out all the junk which is not OK for the heart and body. The idea is to stick to the food that your heart is OK with (veggies in the form of O and K) by brushing out all the unhealthy eating habits that make your life gloomy and prone to illness. #MoHFW #NPCDCS #NCD
Live a healthy lifestyle- This poster symbolises how important it is for us to realise that our body requires healthy food,only!