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Efficient Parking System in Chandigarh

Efficient Parking System in Chandigarh
Start Date :
Aug 26, 2015
Last Date :
Oct 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

What is wrong with our parking system? ...

What is wrong with our parking system?

Subsidized-modern-hi-tech parking is an oxymoron

Chandigarh car density is highest in the country with 227 cars per 1000 people, but the parking rates that are one of the lowest in the country (Rs.5 for car and Rs. 2 for scooter/ bike). This in fact lies at the root of the parking violations. The parking licensees don’t make enough money to invest in CCTVs, boom barriers and other hi-tech gadgets among other things. They also resort to unlawful means like overcharging, allowing more vehicles than the capacity, allowing other economic activities in the parking lot etc.

Equitable distribution of road space

There should be an equitable distribution of road space in the city. Currently 90% of the road space is taken by 22% of the population that owns cars. The pedestrians and users of non-motorised vehicles are squeezed out of the road because in the absence of cycling lanes etc, it is not safe for them.

What should we be doing instead?

Higher charges for parking spaces would even limit our trips by car. That would cut emissions, alleviate congestion and, as a side effect and improve land use. If the same land is given to the developers, the government can earn much more than it is currently doing. The higher parking rates can augment the city resources which can then be invested in road safety, building dedicated cycling tracks, developing green areas, developing vehicle free zones like European countries.

Cities like London, Milan, Singapore, and Stockholm have imposed congestion tax and made parking expensive. In Chandigarh, we still believe in cheap parking. But, there is actually no such thing as cheap parking. Somebody is always paying for it. In our case it is the city administration, but at what cost?

• Shouldn’t we invest more in public transport systems?
• Shouldn’t we develop more green spaces?
• Shouldn’t we have more dedicated cycling tracks and pedestrian walkways like Singapore and other western countries?
• Should we be really subsidizing the parking for the rich? National Urban Transport Policy talks about parking as a public service but the moot question is if it should be subsidized by the administration and that too for the people who are more than capable enough to pay for it? These are some of the questions which need more public participation and deeper deliberation.

Showing 177 Submission(s)
Jitender Mehta 9 years 5 months ago

Admn should provide wall covered parking places to the residents of the Chd with sufficient security system outside market/residential area with compulsory codes/ID stickers nos to the residents/vehicle owners on periodically chargeable basis and admn should collect such charges from the service users thru elect/water bills/thru admn servants and admn should comply such type of rules to the public on compulsory basis. Further most of the area has a traffic problems due to PG accommodation

Gurneet singh_1
Gurneet singh_1 9 years 5 months ago

Another against decision for public and private entrepreneurs big harassment and dictatorship on public .WE JUST CONDEM THIS RULE In sECTOR 22 & 23

Kalpesh Patel_11
Kalpesh Patel_11 9 years 5 months ago

Cross parking system is best parking system in Europe country follow this rule.

Satinder Kaur_3
Satinder Kaur_3 9 years 5 months ago

Decesion taken in sector 22 immature decesion.This is harrasment to public. Very difficult for peddestrian. Alot of risk invoved for pedestrian whlie crossing . Against Le carbusier plan

sujay phayde 9 years 5 months ago

let we encourage step parking means. many floors to park the vehicles on one land .......... if we park 100 vehicles in one acre then step parking can absolutely afford 250-300 cars. second thing let the charges be high so that people feel it difficult to afford and stop using more and more vehicles encourage people to use public transport and cycles at greater rate

Shiva Shankar reddy j
Shiva Shankar reddy j 9 years 5 months ago

The govt provide certain govt parking place and as well as pay parking through online transaction for 1 hour 1 day 15 days and 1 month perodically directly into the govt savings bank. That is E card like E bay. ( should govt) thank you.

Pankaj Mishra 9 years 5 months ago

Promote more Public Transport, encourage for use of cycle and New Construction clearance only after providing 5 times more parking space compared to present estimated parking requirement.

sukesh kumar gautam
sukesh kumar gautam 9 years 5 months ago

I personnaly feel that there is no shortage of space for parking, but most of the people does not have parking sense & moreover mostly they have enchroached govt.land around their residence with diff. ways, which gives a biggest pain, resulting either traffice hazadrous or accidents. Govt. should remove enchroachmnts on priority to solve the parking issue all over chandigarh.Secondly, people should be encourage to use public tpt.system or group/sharing tpt. system provided near their doorstep.

PUTREVU YERRAMARAJU 9 years 5 months ago

Parking Systems: The problem is in all the major cities. In my opinion this is due to lack of foresight in the expansion of the Cities. The effective way to reduce the movement is to raise the taxes over the individual vehicles Cars etc so that it will have an impact on the parking on the main thoroughfares of the Cities. Govt should discourage from giving allowances for cars and encourage the people to use Public transport which has be to be improved and some roads have to be vehicle free Zone