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Imphal Smart City Proposal

Imphal Smart City Proposal
Start Date :
Mar 02, 2016
Last Date :
Mar 19, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Dear Citizens and Well-wishers of Imphal City ...

Dear Citizens and Well-wishers of Imphal City

Imphal Smart City Team offer deepest apology to you all for not making it to the top 20 of the Smart City Challenge-II during the Phase-1. However, we would like to inform you that Imphal is one of the 23 Fast Track Cities which are given an opportunity to upgrade/improve the earlier Smart City Proposal (SCP).

As per the directions received from the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, we have to submit an upgraded Smart City Proposalbefore 15th April, 2016, taking into consideration the inputs received from the citizens and stakeholders within the broad framework of observations made available by the team of experts who have evaluated the plan. Based on the quality of our improved/upgraded SCP, Imphal would be selected for development into Smart City in the next phase. A true improvement can only be achieved with your valuable support, co-operation, suggestions and ideas.

You are therefore requested to go through our Smart City Plan in detail along with the observations of the expert panel, the links of which have been provided underneath and submit your inputs here within 18th March, 2016. We request you to spare some of your valuable time and contribute in making Imphal a Smart City.

You can also send your suggestions online to the email id: imphalsmartcity@gmail.com, oron the official Facebook page of Imphal Smart City orthe official website of IMC: www.imc.mn.gov.in or submit written copies at the Smart City Cell at the office of MAHUD, 2nd Floor, North BOC (beside Hotel Imphal Classic), Imphal – 795001.

Smart City Proposal

Observations from Panel of Experts of MoUD, GoI

Official Website of IMC: www.imc.mn.gov.in

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/smartcityimphal/

Smart City Challenge Website: http://www.smartcitieschallenge.in/

Showing 14 Submission(s)
david g
david g 9 years 2 weeks ago

Try to focus on basic problems which lead to other problems like - cleanliness, congestion, traffic, Govt. services. Do not try to solve the problems with a complex solution and follow the KISS(Keep It Simple). Cleanliness - install garbage bins, impose fine, sensitize people. Congestion - for new developments, make wide roads first then build city around it. Focus on green parks, play areas, breathing spaces at intervals. Even websites - keep them simple and functional instead of jazzy.

ankit mathe
ankit mathe 9 years 2 weeks ago

Dear Sir,
I am Ankit Mathe belongs to Indore, I want to say that city indore is developing day by day and we want it but what about metro train I can't understand. Is metro train is so much important for smart city. I think that Indore is not big enough for a metro train to come. I think smart city is that which have no dust or garbage on the road every thing is systematic and every one is fallowing rules Indore must requires that. And I impress that work is continue khan river.

MAHAVIR BAHETI 9 years 3 weeks ago

Smart City में स्कूल कॉलेज हॉस्पिटल के लिए जमीन फ्री

Francis A. S. Chipem
Francis A. S. Chipem 9 years 3 weeks ago

Witnessing the traffic problems in certain areas of Imphal city and to save space, we need to construct multi-storey parking sheds in Babupara, Paona Bazaar, Thangal Bazaar, Nagamapal, and new High Court/Secretariat Office (Mantripukhri).

concerned citizen.

Bijeta Bachaspati
Bijeta Bachaspati 9 years 3 weeks ago


I am a practicing architect from Imphal, working in Bangalore. I was pondering over some points on this topic yesterday at what actions could be taken up -
1. Invite interested experienced state architects and planners for a meet and greet seminar and share opinions / ideas in order to draft a solid proposal. All forms of media can be used to issue a public invitation for those interested to attend who are working in other cities.

Bijeta Bachaspati
Bijeta Bachaspati 9 years 3 weeks ago

2. Consult a team of professors and HOD in the planning dept from reputed universities (JNAFAU,Hyd / SPA Delhi / CEPT, Ahm etc) for their valued opinions. They would be more than willing for an insight.
3. In time, consultation from a reputed Urban Design firm for thorough analysis.
4. It is high time for Manipur PWD to house Architecture, Urban Design & Town Planning Dept solely responsible for the Smart City program and subsequent execution.

Bijeta Bachaspati
Bijeta Bachaspati 9 years 3 weeks ago

5. Realise that building a city is building it for generations to follow. Realise that expertise and knowledge base far exceeds public opinion. Hypothetical graphs and charts are not strong proposal infographs so much so as zoning charts prepared by professionals.
6. See it as an opportunity to better the place we call home and start planning ahead. We need funding, but we need a planned city more than that. And for that, a lot of expertise.

Subham Mahato
Subham Mahato 9 years 3 weeks ago

NE states should be well connected with delhi calcutta bombay madras and other major cities.proper career counselling should be done in schools and colleges to aware them about career options and about premier institutions of country.so that they can also take equal participation in various national level competitions and do their bit in development of nation .

Subham Mahato
Subham Mahato 9 years 3 weeks ago

Transportation and uninterrupted communication are the two things which should be implemented effectively in NE states.besides that,NE invites enough monsoon waters to meet its needs.this water should be sustainably used by making rainwater harvesting compulsory.moreover, national level institutions should be built here . It will help local people to interact with people from other states and share their views.

aks_3 9 years 3 weeks ago


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