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Inviting Comments on the Draft National Policy for Women 2016

Start Date :
May 17, 2016
Last Date :
Jun 21, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Nearly a decade and half has passed since the National Policy for Empowerment of Women, 2001 was formulated. Since then significant strides in global technology and information ...
This policy will eliminate the entire existence of men in india.For example,the 50% of reservation for women in local bodies election means,the percent of elected women in local bodies will be between 50% to 100% whereas men will have 0% to 50% only.There is a probability of 0% place for men in local civic bodies governance.This is against the Constitution right of equality.This policy will leave no room for men existence.This biased policy will only result enmity among humans.#GenderEquality
Please do not pass this law. Already we have so many laws like 498A, DV etc which are being misused and used as a weapon to extort money from men. A policy should be for the upliftment of people and not for giving one gender to have undue advantage over other gender thereby leading to increase in crimes. Upliftment of women can also be achieved without making the life of men miserable.
My humble request to look at data for Divorce by Mutual Consent which are accompanied by false 498A cases. Almost in 90% of the time both cases accompany each other. This would give you some clarity on the misuse of existing gender biased laws.It is no longer a shield but a sword used by literate & devious minded females. Stop laws that encourage extortion.
Think of society as a whole and not based on gender of people & then try to make world a better place for all. Stop this polarization of half baked policies and laws that are not properly thought through.
Dattatraya More:
My Comment : It's high time to recognize that all the policies which are made keeping only women in mind have fallen flat on their face even worse is that they have been misused by women. Talk of 498A , Domestic Violence Act and many more can be cited as examples. Infact there is high percentage of false RAPE cases by women which is a BIG SHAME. Let's promote equality and not REVENGE by a particular gender on another gender especially under the influence of few ill-minded peopl
Shame on WCD, MODI GOVT after all u shown ur political biased nature.
Note : govt is for people its not owner of people.
This BIASED GOVT will loose elections like history as never seen.
Im against gender BIASED laws & gender BIASED policy.
As a dr is equal to all his patients similarlly govt shall b equal to all his citizens rather than BIASED.
aache din bolke bekwoof banaya hai aapna.
Where is national policy for men? When you r going to scrap biassed law? When you r going to ask women to work instead of filling false cases on men & their relatives to extort money? When you r going to scrap maintenance law? When you r going to stop men suicide? Why boy child is not important 4 you? What about crime against men?R u misandric or this is your vote bank politics? Why suppressing men is your agenga in the name of women empowerment. Why u r proving pappu is better than u
In reservation, we have doctrine of creamy layer. There should be similar creamy layer concept in women policies and laws. Currently most of the women centric laws are being used by able women who mostly misuse the extra powers granted to them in the name of empowerment. The benefits of laws and policies are not reached to the real women victims. Poorly written laws (possibly made considering the illiterate women) are highly being MISUSED by the literate and rich women but other remain unhelped.
please do not pass this law because currently womans are using 498@ as an weapon as an result 40% marriages are breaking, if govt. pass this law as well that can be prove a fatal mistake for the society because currently 498@ law is using very frequently and one more gender biase new law will increase the discrimination. It is very sad in this country where constitute says all people are equal on the other hand our law itself do the partiality. where is the justice in this country.