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Inviting Ideas for Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25th August 2024

Inviting Ideas for Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25th August 2024
Start Date :
Aug 06, 2024
Last Date :
Aug 23, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address ...

Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on the 113th Episode of Mann Ki Baat.

Send us your suggestions on the themes or issues you want the Prime Minister to speak about in the upcoming Mann Ki Baat episode. Share your views in this Open Forum or alternatively, you can also dial the toll-free number 1800-11-7800 and record your message for the Prime Minister in either Hindi or English. Some of the recorded messages may become part of the broadcast.

You can also give a missed call on 1922 and follow the link received in SMS to directly give your suggestions to the Prime Minister.

And stay tuned to Mann Ki Baat at 11:00 AM on 25th August 2024.

Showing 2746 Submission(s)
shridam Biswas 6 months 3 weeks ago

Shridam Biswas father Late kartik Biswas mother saraswati Biswas village parua post Bapujinagar ps taherpur District nadia pin 741121 phone number 8972878913Date of Birth 01 02 1981 wB india

Ignesius Ernest Thambyraj
Ignesius Ernest Thambyraj 6 months 3 weeks ago

Meity has announced an empanelment process for AI services on the cloud. It is not at all meeting its own purpose statement. Please read and review before making such a document public. It is a shame that MNCs are making our policy documents.

Mohit Kumar 6 months 3 weeks ago

नमस्ते मोदी जी/दंश में सामान्य नागरिक कानून बिना किसी भेदभाव के लागू करने की अपील करता हूं देशवासियों का जातियों नाम पर बंटवारा ना हो सकें एक देश और एक कानून लागू किया जाना चाहिए। धन्यवाद

lakshmi sundaram subbiah
SUBBIAH LAKSHMI SUNDARAM 6 months 3 weeks ago

Namaste Modiji,

I am Lakshmi Sundaram Subbiah, founder of LSS Innovative Research in Tamil Nadu. I wish to share with you my patented helmet innovation, designed to improve motorcycle safety across India.

The helmet, titled "Helmet for Motorcycles with Widened Mechanism Along with Noise Management and Automatic Neck Strap," has been granted under Patent No.: 530493 (Application No.: 202241030727), filed on 29th May 2022.

This innovation addresses critical safety concerns that existing helmets fail to fully resolve:

Widened Mechanism for a more secure fit, accommodating various head sizes.
Noise Management to reduce wind and traffic noise, improving rider focus.
Automatic Neck Strap for ensuring the helmet is always securely fastened.
This solution bridges a significant gap in helmet technology, enhancing rider safety and encouraging helmet use by making it more comfortable and user-friendly.

I believe this innovation could be a game-changer for road safety in India.

Suresh Chawla 6 months 3 weeks ago

DEAR MODI JI : US$ 50 trillion worth project of Mass Transit System For Vehicles (MSTV) developed on lines of Metro/Subways to let India become third largest economy in much less time than anticipated by installing (MSTV) world wide..There are 411,853 km x2 way =823,706 km of express ways @ US$ 12 million /km or scope of US$ 10 trillion around world . 64,285,009 km of road net work world wide, 20% roads adopt elevated systems covering 12,853,000 km @ US $ M 32 / km (elevated) scope of US$ 41.1 trillion. The technology developed - allows about 300 vehicles with occupants de-board/board/get secured in 15 seconds on 75 flat wagons train arriving at vehicle stations on tracks provided on two sides of high ways at 5 ft above road level & elevated in cities to depart with 1 minute frequency to transit millions of vehicles for luxury travel per day in cities & highways @ 1/8th cost on roads. The technology can fetch lot from fortune 500 companies & use IN INDIA with my PATENT

Karishma Rahul Bidwai
Karishma Rahul Bidwai 6 months 3 weeks ago

Respected Prime Minister sir,
I am a 17 year old student from Maharashtra. I have been noticing a lot of things lately, related to the education sector. I am interested in the research field but everyone around me insist me to focus on something more practical. All of us are aware of the condition of research in India. It is still at the primary stage after decades of independence. The above field needs much more development compared to the others. It is necessary since our great organisations- ISRO, DRDO, BARC, etc. are trying their best to support our nation with their knowledge in the field of science. I request you to discuss this topic as it is crucial for students like me. I wish to serve the nation with my knowledge. And to do so, your thoughts and actions on this matters a lot. I hope that you would look forward on this matter.

Mohit Kumar 6 months 3 weeks ago

नमस्ते मोदी जी/आप से आग्रह है की सभी रेप पीड़िता महिलाएं एवं बलिकाऐ के केसों को सुप्रीम कोर्ट सौंपा जाएं और टोल फ्री हेल्पलाइन नंबर शुरू किया जाएं ऐसी अनगिनत घटनाएं होती जिस संज्ञान लिया जाए और एफ आई आर दर्ज हो और दोषियों पर सख्त कार्रवाई होनी चाहिए। मोहित

Madireddy Harshitha Reddy 6 months 3 weeks ago

As a part of Independence Day Celebrations-2024, in Patriotic Dress competition I received invitation pass by the Ministry of Defence,Government of India.To witness the 78th  Independence Day Celebration held on 15th August 2024 at the Red Fort, Delhi  I travel from Hyderabad to Red Fort, Delhi  as a token of love to Tricolor Tiranga

Dhananjaya Tambe
Dhananjaya Tambe 6 months 3 weeks ago

As Aadhaar is now mandatory for obtaining PAN, I suggest that PAN be issued automatically to all individuals without their having to apply for the same. This will not only save the citizens the hassle of applying for PAN but will also ensure that in all transactions, PAN invariably gets quoted because no individual will then be without a PAN. This will substantially improve our ability to analyze transactions using PAN as the unique identifier.


Santosh Santosh 6 months 3 weeks ago
