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Tune in to 104th Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 27th August 2023

Tune in to 104th Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 27th August 2023

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JOHAN DHANAKUMAR 1 year 5 months ago

Most Respected PMJI
My humble suggestions are as under:
1) Solid waste management , process of recycling plastics and other wastes merit top priority. Shredded plastics can be utilized in road laying ,by mixing with bitumen. Such roads have a long life.
2) Use of cloth and jute bags in the place of plastic products may be promoted on a large scale. The Union government itself can take up the manufacturing of cloth and jute products through public sector undertakings and sold to the people at concessional rates.
2) Due to the sagacious leadership of our Gracious PMJI during the past nine years, our country has made significant strides in a plethora of spheres such as economy, science and technology, agriculture, infrastructure, tourism, Healthcare, creation of jobs etc. The menace of terrorism has been wiped out . Unlawful elements are on the run. The day is not far when our country will become number one in all the fields on a global level. Hats off to PMJI.

ashutosh bansal_3
ASHUTOSH BANSAL 1 year 5 months ago

Sir, i convey my regards to all scientists of India who contributed for successful chandrayan landing at moon.
Dear Sir, healthcare system in India is too much complicated.
A patient goes to doctors for guidance and treatment but is directed to undergo certain investigations, most of which are irrelevant.

A automated helpline in languages, one can understand his/her problem, based on signs and symptoms, needs to be started. And this will guide a patient to follow the suitable line of investigations and create a visit to specialist doctors accordingly. Help of retired medical professionals (doctors, nurses, medical staff) will easily be available, I wish so.

This will create health awareness tool and will turn this nation into a healthy nation

Amit Nimbalakar
Amit Nimbalakar 1 year 5 months ago

shri Narendra Modi ji, Most Important Karnataka's Shedbal-Athani-Bijapur 112km (Shivayoginaadu) Even though MPs and people's representatives were requested many times to sanction this railway project implement, it was of no avail.This Route link line Hydrabda to Goa. via Hydrabd,Karnataka. Maharashtra. Goa

The Railway Department has submitted a detailed report along with a survey report in 2010-11 and submitted a proposal for financial approval stating that the total cost of that time would be 810.36 crores, but the All people's of this area have expressed their displeasure as the financial approval has not been given for the implementation of this railway project.
They are eagerly waiting implement for Shri Narendra Modi ji, approve this project in cabinet meeting fulfill fund release and start the project soon. Implement SEDtoBJP viaATH Shedbal-Athani-Bijapur

Susamay Dey 1 year 5 months ago

Implementing online voting can indeed be an innovative approach
Blockchain Security
Multi-Factor Authentication: Implement robust multi-factor authentication methods, such as biometrics and secure identification, to verify the identity of voters and prevent fraudulent voting.
End-to-End Encryption
Cybersecurity Measures
Simultaneous Audits
Accessibility for All: Design the online voting platform to be accessible for people with disabilities, and ensure that it is user-friendly for citizens of all age groups and technological backgrounds.
Public Awareness Campaigns
Pilot Programs: Begin with small-scale pilot programs in selected constituencies to test the effectiveness of online voting systems, identify issues, and gather valuable feedback from participants.
Hybrid Model: Consider implementing a hybrid approach that combines both traditional and online voting options, allowing citizens to choose the method that suits them best.
Continuous Improvement
Independent Oversight

Sambamoorthy S Iyer
Sambamoorthy S Iyer 1 year 5 months ago

No wonder Congress thought to befriend & bow down to the Chinese
It was done thro' the secret Communist China Party and Indian Congress pact
Such decisions and abusing Army were never challenged in court nor SC ever took cognizance of treacherous comments and acts
Leaders after independence never wanted strong military and China took advantage of it. With Aksai Chin lost, PM never wanted to fight for the lost territory. He virtually gave Tibet on a platter to China and donated the UN Seat
Having become PM, Mr. Nehru thought that world was at his feet
Law is needed to define treachery and treacherous statements made in the past

S.K.Gupta 1 year 5 months ago

Respected Sir,

IBA seems to be playing spoil sports for hapless bank retirees in the context of their Pension Updation. Sir, IBA is learnt to have filed an affidavit in the apex court stating that there is no provision for the same in their Pension Scheme apart from citing the inadequate fund position of its member banks. However, as per media reports, there are enough funds to cover their much sought after pension updation.

Moreover, the Hon'ble Finance Minister is also learnt to have asked the IBA to look into this issue.

Sir, Your honour's kind intervention may bring much needed relief to these Bank retirees on this count.

Sir, it may also be recalled that these bank employees had rendered selfless and tireless services during 2016 demo era and the same were duly 'appreciated' by your honour too.

Sir, Please use your good offices in ensuring that no injustice is done to them by any one in any manner that may be detrimental to their such genuine interests.

Gauri 1 year 5 months ago

I want to share a meaningful poem penned by my grandfather, Prof. Kamta Prasad, which reflects the impact of the HarGharTiranga campaign.

Born in 1930s, my Nana's lifestory is intertwined with India's journey, and he has raised me with stories of the independence movement, the Nav Nirman movement etc. He always spoke of his memories of people in his village raising flags and singing Jhanda Uncha Rahe Hamara. With a distinguished career spanning 60 years in economics, my Nana has built & collaborated with national and international development institutes. His contributions as Chairman / Member of 10+ National Commissions & Committees reflect his unwavering commitment to India.

The sight of our tricolour adorning homes across our country, reminiscent of the spirit that pervaded his village, inspired him to write a poem that beautifully captures the significance of the campaign and the flag's enduring symbolism, I hope my Nana's words serve as a humble tribute to your efforts.

JageshSharma 1 year 5 months ago

आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी, आपसे हाथ जोड़ कर विनती करता हु🙏
मैं बी०एड० सत्र 2021-2023 का छात्र हूँ। मेरा और अधिकतर बी०एड० धारकों का सब्जेक्ट कांबिनेशन नहीं बन पा रहा है जिसकी वजह से हम ना तो जूनियर स्कूल अध्यापक भर्ती के लिए योग्य है और ना ही आगे किसी भी टीचिंग भर्ती में हिस्सा ले सकेंगे। इसलिए हमारी सारी पढाई और जीवन का कीमती समय बर्बाद हो जाएगा क्योंकि हम शिक्षक नही बन सकेंगे। हमारा और हमारे माता पिता का सपना टूट जायेगा प्रधानमंत्री जी। इसलिए मैं और मेरे करोड़ो बी०एड० धारक साथी आपसे हाथ जोड़कर अपील करते है कि 28 जून 2018 की अधिसूचना पर संसद में अध्यादेश लाकर बेरोजगारो को राहत जरूर दिलाये। हम सभी बी० एड० धारक आपके सदा आभारी रहेंगे। धन्यवाद सहित🙏 #WeWantOrdinancePRT #WeWantOrdinancePRT