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CGHS Tagline Competition

CGHS Tagline Competition
Start Date :
Feb 12, 2024
Last Date :
Mar 12, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Central Government Health Scheme provides comprehensive medical care to the Central Government employees and pensioners enrolled under the scheme and certain other categories such ...

Central Government Health Scheme provides comprehensive medical care to the Central Government employees and pensioners enrolled under the scheme and certain other categories such as Members of Parliament, Ex-MPs, and Freedom Fighters etc.

CGHS provides the following healthcare services to its beneficiaries:
1. OPD Treatment at Wellness Centres including issues of medicines and referral to empanelled centres for treatment
2. Specialist Consultation at Polyclinic/Govt. Hospitals and at CGHS empanelled hospitals after referral by CGHS.
3. Cashless facility available for treatment in empanelled centres for Pensioners and other identified beneficiaries.
4. Reimbursement of expenses for treatment availed in Govt. /Private Hospitals and for purchase of hearing aids, artificial limbs, appliances etc.,
after obtaining permission.
5. Family Welfare, Maternal and Child Health Services.

Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in coordination with the MyGov are organizing a Tagline Competition on MyGov platform to find a catchy and appealing tagline that is unique, and at the same time representative of CGHS. The winning submission shall be adopted as the official Tagline, to be used by CGHS for official purposes such as in correspondence, on social media platforms, displayed in its offices and subunits such as Wellness centres etc.

Technical Parameters:
The tagline should be easily relatable to CGHS. The tagline can be in English Hindi or Sanskrit.

The entries will be judged based on the following criteria:
1. Alignment to the overall theme of CGHS: The tagline should resonate with the services of CGHS
2. Not more than 05 words long
3. Should be simple and catchy for ease of remembering
4. Originality: The tagline should be original and should not resemble any existing tagline of CGHS or any other organization

Prize money of Rs 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty-five thousand only) for the winner of the tagline competition, along with felicitation and due recognition on the CGHS website.
Click here for terms and conditions. (PDF 67.1 KB)

Under Review