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Common Solutions for all cities

Common Solutions for all cities
Start Date :
Jun 14, 2015
Last Date :
Jun 21, 2015
01:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

While each smart city will have distinctive features specific to its location, demography, culture and other such factors, there maybe smart solutions to problems which are common ...

While each smart city will have distinctive features specific to its location, demography, culture and other such factors, there maybe smart solutions to problems which are common to all cities. This contest seeks to identify such smart and innovative solutions to common problems.
All questions in this category must be answered to be considered as a complete submission and to be eligible for short-listing.
1. Out of the following 21 smart solutions, select 3 solutions that should be applied to all Indian cities and provide a brief write-up (max. 50 words) to explain why.
2. Describe a ‘smart’ idea that you have seen in some other city(anywhere in the world) that you would like to see replicated in your own city. ‘Smart idea’ means doing more with less.
3. Describe 3 ways that Indian cities can reduce the gap between rich and poor.
4. List out 5 essential facts about your local municipal corporation that should be available to all citizens.
Entry Deadline
• Entries may be submitted online on the mygov.in portal latest by 23.59 hours (11.59 pm) on Saturday, 20th June 2015.
The submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:
• Do-ability (50%)
• Innovation (50%)
Two winners in each category will be awarded a citation from the Prime Minister at the Smart City Mission Launch on June 25th, 2015 at VigyanBhavan, New Delhi, along witha cash prize of the following amounts:
Rs. 40,000 - First Prize
Rs. 25,000 - Second Prize

The winning ideas would be shared with the 100 SmartCities as potentiallyimplementablesolutions and will be considered for pilot

• All questions in a particular category must be answered to be considered as a complete submission and to be eligible for short-listing.
• The participants(s) entries will be judged for each category independently and on merit. In case of short listing in more than one category, a participant will receive prize money for one category only.
• The length of each answer is limited to 250 words or less.
Click here for Terms & Conditions and details of Prize amount

Under Review
Showing 694 Submission(s)
prafull sharma_1
prafull sharma_1 9 years 3 months ago

Smartness of a city in itself may not ensure the sustainability & conservation of its regional natural resources or avert the decline. It is for any small town potentially shaping up to become a growth centre, to start practicing Sustainable Urbanism towards its natural wealth & adjoining rural context and prepare a controlled industrial & socio-economic environment altogether for the inevitable population & lifestyle growth. This might at the outset, buy some valuable healthy natural years.

narendra kumar rao
narendra kumar rao 9 years 3 months ago

answer third-
• Eliminate the hard cash transactions.
• Increase literacy rates and provide skill development program.
• Property limitation. (shouldn't be allow to keep property beyond the limits)

Ranjeet Kumar Mishra_1
Ranjeet Kumar Mishra_1 9 years 3 months ago

1. 3 smart solutions :
A.Skill Development B.Water Quality Monitoring C.Energy Efficient & Green Buildings.
ये तीनो चीजें किसी भी स्मार्ट सिटी के लिए महतवपूर्ण है | A.Skill Development- उस सिटी के स्टूडेंट का अगर स्किल डेवोलोप होगा तो वो कोई भी कार्य जिसमे उनकी रूचि है, जिसका उन्होंने प्रशिक्षण लिया है तो उस सिटी के लिए कई कार्य को कर सकेंगे |
B.Water Quality Monitoring - उस सिटी के अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के लिए ये भी जरुरी है |
C. सिटी में हरे पौंधो तथा महतवपूर्ण बिल्डिंग पर सोलर पैनल लगाना |

Rajesha Rao 9 years 3 months ago

Q.1] - (Option 2) - Electronic Service Delivery - (a) Smart city should have a website where people will get information about the services provided and the charges (b) Separate physical counters should be opened which take application from the people and feed into the system. (c) Officers will not interact with the people will refer to the this website only. (d) Most of the services should be done through the online itself without physical interactions.

Sanjeev Agarwal_1
Sanjeev Agarwal_1 9 years 3 months ago

1.Smart mobility and Integrated system
2. Effective and efficient management
3.Transparancy and tracking
4.Citigen Engagement
5. Automation

Shrina Vaidik Sonthalia
Shrina Vaidik Sonthalia 9 years 3 months ago

(1) 3 - Referendum & opinion-polls for major issues
14 - Switch to Bio-Fuel/Ethanol run Vehicles & promote Solar/Wind power
16 - Install electronic-panels displaying live-info on availability of parking-spots in city's major public-places & build computerized multi-level-parking in markets

(2) Enforce rule of 2 cars/house & odd-even no. cars on alternate days

(3) Seed-Fund for entrepreneurs, Family-Planning, Ban Alcohol-Tobacco

(4) Street-light, Broadband, Police, School, Ambulance

Sanjeev Agarwal_1
Sanjeev Agarwal_1 9 years 3 months ago

2. Describe a ‘smart’ idea that you have seen in some other city.
Answer: Smart Integrated Multi-mode card : Uk London Oyster card- with features mentioned earlier.

Sanjeev Agarwal_1
Sanjeev Agarwal_1 9 years 3 months ago

3 ways that Indian cities can reduce the gap between rich and poor.
1. Equality with Equal rights
2. Equal Power and opportunity
3. Listen Grievance

Rajesha Rao 9 years 3 months ago

Q.1] - (Option 9) - (a) Recycling and Reduction of C&D waste - Indian cities does not provide any option, where the people can insert old plastic bottles like Pepsi, coca cola bottles and get money. Indian cities should have such facilities. (b) Indian government should come up with policies which encourages the Kabadiwala and creation of recycling factories. Easy finance options should be provided to this industry and it can save lots of foreign exchange for the country.