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Name Contest for Pro Bono Legal Services initiative, Department of Justice & United Nations Development Programme

The term pro bono which is short for “pro bono publico”, a Latin term that means “for the public good”. In practice, the term is used quite specifically in context of the ...
The term pro bono which is short for “pro bono publico”, a Latin term that means “for the public good”. In practice, the term is used quite specifically in context of the legal profession- referring to the practice of giving legal assistance to those unable to represent them for want of money. In India, ‘Pro Bono Legal Service’ as a concept remains an ad hoc, individualized practice lacking an institutional structure.
In order to establish a framework for dispensation of pro bono legal services, the Department of Justice (DoJ), in collaboration with UNDP, launched, in April 2017, a web based initiative (available at doj.gov.in) on consolidating volunteers from the legal fraternity to provide pro bono legal services to those who dearly need legal aid and counsel, but are unable to afford it. Through this portal, litigants from marginalised communities (including members of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, women, children, senior citizens, persons with low income and persons with disabilities) can also apply for legal aid and advice from the pro bono lawyers.
This is a first time the Government of India has initiated such a programme to encourage the culture of pro bono lawyering in the country, tailored its needs, to undertake the constitutional mandate of free legal aid for all.
In this context, the DoJ and UNDP are also pioneering the work on pro bono legal services by creating a mobile based platform for this initiative. Through this platform, the DoJ intends to connect registered lawyers with eligible litigants in need of legal aid and advices, based on issue specifications and geographical factors.
For this initiative, DoJ is floating a contest for choosing a name for this mobile application.
Some guidelines to keep in mind while framing the name are
a) The name shall be in Hindi or English.
b) It shall be a one word name with a 3-4-word tagline. For example, ‘Vidyanjali – a school volunteer app’
Winner will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 5000 by the Department of Justice.
Last date for submission of entries is 4th December, 2017, at 05:30PM
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