According to Census 2011, there are 2.68 crore persons with disabilities in India, who constitute 2.21% of the total population.However, estimates vary across sources and in reality this figure could be much higher.
Bhopal Municipal Corporation has always adopted the path of innovation, in order to achieve the goal of offering good quality public life to the citizens of Bhopal, with available limited resources.
As a part of smart city challenge stage 2 for inclusion of Amritsar in the first 20 cities. A brain storming Live Talk Show was conducted by Municipal Corporation Amritsar in collaboration with Guru Ram Das School of Planning and Architecture in Guru Nanak University Campus.
A brain storming Live Talk Show was conducted by Municipal Corporation at Global Institutes Campus. A team of consultants from Jones Lang LaSalle (J.L.L) and Tata Consulting Engineers presented their Smart City Presentation to the learned faculty and distinguish young planners and architects of the Institute.
The Ministry of Women and Child Development had organized a Badge Design competition for Gender Champions through the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao page on MyGov portal.
The result of winners for the essay competition under the “Citizen Engagement Program” of Smart City scheme of Government of India has been declared by Agartala Municipal Corporation (AMC).