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Khammam factories construct recharge pits within their premises
Posted on : 15 Nov 2019

From 16th -31st July, 2019, a team of central government officers visited the most water stressed villages of Khammam district in Telangana, namely Gurralapadu, Arempula, and Kondapuram (Khammam Rural Mandal), Mallemadugu village (Khammam Urban) and Pindiprolu (Tirumalayapalem) to assess their water conservation measures. The team comprised Central Nodal Officer (CNO) – Sri Rajiv Ranjan Misra, DG NMCG; Sri Vijaya Prakash (BNO), Sri Ravinath Singh (TO), as a part of the Jal Shakti Abhiyan (JSA).

President confers awards for excellence in Swachhata initiatives
Posted on : 14 Nov 2019

President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind presented Swachh Bharat awards to various swachhata champions on the occasion of Swachh Mahotsav 2019, held at the Vigyan Bhawan on 6th September, 2019. Speaking at the event, the President complimented the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) for inspiring historic behavior change in the country and putting forth a model for the world to replicate.

Winner announcement for the first month of Water Heroes: Share Your Stories Contest
Posted on : 13 Nov 2019

The Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India is implementing Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana(PMAGY) for integrated development of Scheduled Castes majority villages across States/UTs and hosted a Logo competition for the use of the Scheme. The Department is thankful to all the participants who have creatively expressed their ideas in designing of LOGO for the scheme.

Marshy dumping site turns into a beautiful park with a pond
Posted on : 13 Nov 2019

The people of Haripur have converted a filthy water body into a beautiful park complete with a pond that people now frequent to either take a stroll or allow their children to play. The transformation of the marshy dumping site into the picturesque place that it is now is a matter of pride for the village.

Menstrual Hygiene Management gets a boost in Nadia
Posted on : 11 Nov 2019

The Zilla Parishad of Nadia in West Bengal has initiated a variety of programmes on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) as a part of its ODF (open defecation free) Plus strategy.ODF plus parameters include regular availability and usage of toilets, management of solid and liquid waste, cleanliness of water resources, maintenance of public and household toilets and awareness on personal hygiene including MHM. To help roll out the programme, the district administration has engaged an NGO named Understanding the Tendencies of Social Symmetry (UTSA) which has the necessary expertise. It also plans to install four sanitary napkin manufacturing machines, one in each sub-division to increase availability and accessibility of the product.

Winner announcement of ‘Design a Mascot for Census 2021’
Posted on : 11 Nov 2019

Office of the Registrar General of India recently conducted a contest for Designing a Mascot for Census 2021 on the MyGov platform to engage people and promote participation for information dissemination about Census 2021. The Office of the Registrar General of India is thankful to all for participating in huge numbers and creatively expressing their ideas in designing the Mascot for Census 2021.

Winner Announcement of ‘Create a Slogan for Census 2021’
Posted on : 11 Nov 2019

To generate awareness on the importance of Census in India, Office of the Registrar General of India conducted a contest to Create a Slogan for Census 2021 on the MyGov platform. 8502 entries were received for the contest but none could be finalized as a slogan for Census 2021. However, as a gesture of appreciation, 5 contestants have been chosen for recognition. The prize money will be distributed evenly among the selected entries and the selected slogans will be used in different creatives for Census India 2021.

Winner Announcement of Lokpal’s Logo Design Competition
Posted on : 08 Nov 2019

The Institution of Lokpal, organized Logo design and Motto/Slogan writing Competitions, online through the “MyGov” portal in June 2019 in order to seek people’s involvement and participation for suggesting Logo design for the Lokpal.  A total of 2236 entries were received for Logo Design from people of varied age groups and from different parts of the country.

Winner Announcement of Lokpal’s Motto/Slogan Competition
Posted on : 08 Nov 2019

The Institution of Lokpal, organized Logo design and Motto/Slogan writing Competitions, online through the “MyGov” portal in June 2019 in order to seek people’s involvement and participation for suggesting Motto/Slogan for the Lokpal.

Dry converted wet rice cultivation – an affordable alternative
Posted on : 08 Nov 2019

The district administration of Khammam in Telangana, in association with scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Wyra have recommended the use of dry converted wet rice as an alternative method to transplanted rice to overcome shortage of water and labour scarcity.


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