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कौशल विकास और 21वीं शताब्दी में भारत
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jan 01, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Jul 31, 2016
04:15 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
21वीं शताब्दी में भारत के विकास के लिए कौशल विकास क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है?
skills is very important for indian youth becouse indian education depand only books knowledge so practical knowledge is very important for any youth
sir I want a chance to do bttr for my nation bt I m unemployed bt I had cmpltd msc in botany with 79%marks bt my problem is that no 1wants to support me I want to join defence bcz of unemployment I m unable to do something in my life its my req to u to give me 1chance to proof my ability n my hardwork
Along with the development of skill,
Let us also think of development of appreciation of contentment in our society. Only skill development without the seeds of contentment may create a society with cut-throat competition. This may lead to psychological problems amongst masses and unrest in the society. So, psychological stability and spiritual dimensions must also be included in all curriculum of skill development.Ancient social values like honour for elders & skilled seniors must be revived.
In respect to grievance solution related to telecom depptt., there should be a complaint portal like CPGRAMS etc., further,if the problem require quick solution, there should be ZONE/REGION/LOCAL arrangement should be made for quick solution by internet complaint or by verbal call complaint. the telecom company have helpline/ customer services are not working properly, mostly, they are passing time without any solution & drop the phone by saying "thanks to use the services",should improve,thanks
hi, i am vikram pillai, headmaster of vivek english high school, quresh nagar, kurla east, mumbai. This skill development is the biggest problem in our area. Our school is in a slum area called as kasaiwada, where many students dont have support system or any guidence center, We blame the minority people for all evils of society. I request you to consider giving good coaching centers and skill development center nearby so that the kids dont go into wrong company. lets all join skill development
Sir, I thank you very much for giving me such an opportunity to share my views of public interest. Sir, as we go to take admission in some colleges during the counselling time, a bank draft is needed. If the institution in which we want to take admission allows the students to deposit the fees in cash at the institution itself instead of bank draft it would ease much of the student's and parent's task. In that case, there would not be a last moment rush in the banks.
Respected sir
Iam dhirashree boro from assam,used to work as a designer at gujrat anjar at welspun india ltd,Sir can u make our place vibrant bodoland because at vibrant gujrat i got lot of ideas of business exchange. So i started an garment design manufacturing on computerised embroidery design so i want govt help to expand my business as well to solve unemployment and to skill people for developments.Sir plz take an action to open an industry at our bodoland and responsible for CSR.thanks
There is no second doubt in answering this question positively. But do you give grounds to let skill grow? NO!. We are running an archaic graduate education system focused mainly on theoretical than practical knowledge. Here priority lies in completing college studies than working on skill development.
taking and also not giving tools such as tailoring. machine yet not given to suitables.
so please do take necessary action regarding skill development programme providers.
Honoroble Prime Minister Sir,
I am very greatful to you first you gave me the track to reache at you with my views.
Sir, where you have launched various social welfare activities. Among one is skill development. Actually this programee is not successfully running by some authorities.
giving training under the scheme for only 40 day or 2 months where have to provide complete 6 months and not giving certificates to the trained candidates after finishing program. Picture taking as they giv