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गाड़ियों के आगमन एवं प्रस्थान संबंधी पूछताछ सेवा
![Train Enquiry System Train Enquiry System](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/5bf44911bc31996998704f4db48daabcb8d95d87_0_1700469840.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jan 01, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Jul 17, 2015
04:15 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
यात्री गाडि़यों के परिचालन संबंधित सूचना enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/ntes/, से प्राप्त कर ...
Mr. Railway Minister, please start one train from chanduasi jn (Moradabad division) to jammu tawi because a lot of passnegers have to go moradabad for this and feel very uncomfortable. Please start one train.
Sir being a concerned Indian citizen even though being an Indian I feel that there is a connecting train needed for the Bangladeshi passengers from Newdelhi to Border Station Gede And I feel this will generate more revenue not only for the same Indian Train but also if you allow a Gede quota for the Maitree express too then there will be a high boon and that point over can be a profitable mode Sir kindly kindly don't regret this request please..
Mr. Railway Minister,please arrange basic amenities to the common passengers and fix the timeline of the trains.Again, please go through the basics,rest will take its own course.
My humble request is that arrange the Bullet Train. I will sure take a ride on that, but care for the common passengers, who are being treated as the Nazis treated the Jews by Gestapo. Very very shameful for the Great Indian Railways.
With regards
I returned back by Kamakhya Exp. from Ahmedabad to Patna on 25.04.2015. I had purchased 2nd AC Ticket under waiting list, which could not get confirmed. Due to emergency, I decided to board the Train in general unreserved category. The experience was horrific. It was so much rush that anyhow arranged to sit, ate only two cucumbers and went to urinate only twice in the 36 Hr. journey. Acute shortage of water in the latrine.
Dear Sir,
Recently I traveled from Patna to Surat by Premium Exp. in 2nd AC on 22.04.2015. A very good Train. But, I was amazed to found that most of the births were vacant. Why and which system was responsible for this poor occupancy? It may be a foul play with Railways.
Launch smart phone applications for train enquiry.
Population rise is the main problem of Our Country.
Illitrate & lower Income Group people mustBEncouraged 2Adopt Family planning similar2Educated Class.
By giving certain facilities like:
* Right2Education in any Best school in 15KM range forFamily with 2Children
*Change in Reservation system by replacing the CasteBased Res.System WITH Reservation to Small Families in Govt.&Pvt.Sectors(adopting Permanent Family planning system)
*Giving Benefit in JobPromotion aLso will encourage FmlyPlg
गाड़ी जब स्टेशन पैर खाड़ी हो तो उसके शोचालय का छेद( आउटपुट) आटोमेटिक बंद हो जाना चाहिए. जब ट्रेन स्टेशन छोड़ दे तो शहर के बाहर खुल जाये , इससे स्टेशन की गंदगी को कम किया जा सकेगा.
Trains (rajdhani,shatabdi,jan shatabdi,garib rath,sampak kranti,duronto & trains such as deccan queen) should have automatic doors,destination name display monitor,air cooling system & green toilets.So passenger would knw indian railways heading for better service for it's customers