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चंडीगढ़ में कुशल पार्किंग सिस्टम
![Efficient Parking System in Chandigarh Efficient Parking System in Chandigarh](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1440583867190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Aug 26, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Oct 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
हमारी पार्किंग व्यवस्था के साथ क्या गलत है? ...
The parking demand is highest at two places where vehicles tend to rest for major portion of their entire lifespan, and multistoreyed parking needs to be created at these places- i) near/front of residential places, and ii) at work-places.
The increased public transport supply with better quality buses and efficient monitoring systems, better fare collection systems and other IT interventions will ultimately bring the population of private vehicles in check.
To complete my comment : These speed breakers affect the backbone of humans, affect parts of the vehicles, requiring frequent repairing and thirdly it costs heavily to the national exchequer by loss of petrol. My request is to stream line construction of these speed breakers. Give proper instructions about specifications about its height, width and gradient / slope should be gradual, not steep. Thanking you.
Hon Sir,
For long, I wanted to make a humble request to the concerned authorities about Road Traffic. It is about the speed-breakers. Sir, these speed breakers are a menace. They are constructed in a half-hazard manner. Nowhere you would find a similarity in these speed breakers. Neither the height nor the width or slopes. Many the height crashes with the silencers. Same with the width. And the slopes are so steep that while climb They particularly affect the travelers in three ways :-
I intend to suggest you that the parking problem within the sectors is a major issue and lot of problems are being faced by the residents in the shape of altercations and disputes and this issue needs to be tackled at top priority.
One of the solution to my mind is that let all the spaces adjacent to corner houses be utilized converting them into a parking space and allotting it to the residents on rental basis.
In this way the land which has been illegally occupied by the corner plot
Parking problems in big cities like Chandigarh can be surely resolved and don't we need to do something extraordinary. I have some simple solutions.
(1) We need mandatory rules to be followed by all new infrastructures (corporate buildings, shopping malls, hospitals, universities etc) to provide enough of paid/unpaid parking space their customers.
(2) Existing facilities which do not have proper parking facilities, they may avail the multiple story parking services. #ParkingSystem
Please tell contractors to be well behaved and avoid fleecing of vis itors,moreover congebsted sectors be discouraged for overparking,rather vehicles should be stopped at a distance and no parking zones be established like Simla Mall Road.
People coming in to work from satellite towns shd use the "park & ride" facility........park in huge parking lots outside the city and get a free bus ride into town. This will free the city of thousands of parking slots.
Simultaneously, increase parking fees in crowded areas, and pay by the hour.
The problem is the management of such fees.....its MOSTLY SKIMMED OFF...!!!!
Don't ask by whom.......!!!
And it is in lakhs per day..............!!!
Back to the parking problem...........make the city Cycle-friendly.Study the systems in any town in the Netherlands, to start off with..............Check Youtube for vids.
Any 16 persons from the Doaba region will jump at the opportunity of placing 10 buses each on the system, with averaged out profits going to each one of them.
The buses can even be electrified later - as in Kathmandu half a century ago. Or anywhere else in the world.
If the buses are fitted with LCD screens, they can give local news or ADVERTISEMENTS, which will more than pay for the costs.
People who deposit bags of garbage at the collection centers will get free passes/kilo of garbage. This will kill 2 burds with one stone.