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चंडीगढ़ में कुशल पार्किंग सिस्टम
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Aug 26, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Oct 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
हमारी पार्किंग व्यवस्था के साथ क्या गलत है? ...
1. common parking space of Sectors , yearly payment basis
2. monthly / yearly entry pass for chandigarh residents , time saving and will reduce choros in entry points
3. let private firms , common residents provides their own space for parking , govt will pay yearly basis , parking as per tender policy by the govt
plz check INDIRA VIKAS PATHRA SALES and vehicle sales in kerala. my friend said he gave half of the amount paid insted of Indira Vikas pathra for RTO
parking is a big problem in every cities and small towns also. its because while constructing buildings they are not following the laws and also the the concerned govt officials also closing their eyes
People use their own vehicle for their convenience, but if this convenience is delivered by public transport then the vehicle density on road can be reduced. I strongly believe that public transit system would lower the chaos to a great extent.
For the number of vehicles presently running on chandigarh roads the need of an efficient parking system is of top priority. For this I suggest underground parking lots beneath the crossroad circles of the most busy sectors like metro stations in delhi.
Develop Multi Level Parking in place of old system of Parking without subsidizing the parking for the rich.It should be for revenue generation with hustle free traffic.
3. Providing a Unique ID Card/Utility card which is associated with Driving Licence of the respective person.(This can reduce Illigal/Miscelineous activities at the Parking place).
4. CCTV Installation charges can be acquired by the Parking persons as onetime fee which can be collected during issueance of Unique ID card.
I want to share my suggesions/improvements on this System.
1. If the Parking Place is Open/Building, then by placing Solar panels as Roof/Top of the building we can generate Solar electricity to fulfill our needs and excess production can be sold.(this is a One time Investment).
2. Developing a Control system such as slotted parking system and that according to duration of Parking, Pricing has to be made.(This utilizes complete parking space and Increases service fee to maintainers).
I guess peoples with lot of money just need a parking system which requires minimum time.. If any one wants to use his minimum time for paking he may pay good fund.. So system shud take input as vehicles indication system to know what driver wants and according to it the system works..
All Parking should be fully computerized and a code should be provided to the owners of Vehicle at the time of Registration of Vehicles which save the vehicle from theft. Parking space should be floor wise for two wheeler and four wheeler i.e.separate floor.
The four questions are right! We need to create a sustainable green parking lot. We could think about creating energy-generating parking lots. By using piezo-electric materials on the parking ground, we can generate electricity on increased pressure - which is when a car is parked. This power can be used to power the automated systems which power the parking area. And if more, can be sold to the grid.